直做UNIX系统管理员工作(thesunlover is actually the Sun Microsystems lover,
but unfortunately my lover is not blooming anymore, if not dying, haha),
几乎没有编程经验(You don't think shell programming is programming, do you

兰先生将是我们值得信赖的outsouce,and I am the daily housekeeper。
件的膨胀,接下来需要做的工作是local backup。我们不能只依赖HOST的备份系统,
一是他们的backup policy不一定符合我们的具体需要,二是万一他们的系统出了事
故,我们不想为他们陪葬。这就是需要建立local backup系统的主要原因。
具体建立local backup系统,我初步决定选用VERITAS NetBackup(software)+Tape
Drive(hardware)+RedHat Linux(OS)。这方面你有什么具体意见和建议吗?
> searain wrote:
"show or not show in 文苑首页"
I don't know DISCUZ. If DISCUZ has a way to let people to post to the article
collection or blog ONLY without post to the forum, then all your problems
solved. I think thesunlover already discussed this with Mr. Lan before. If
DISCUZ doesn't have the way to do so, every post posted to the articles
collection and blog has to be posted to the forum. Then you will have to
modify the DISCUZ.
There will be several options:
1) First, check the discuz site to see if there are any other people have
the same issues and they already have the free solutions you can use. But
you and Mr. Lan already did a lot custom changes of this system, other people'
s solutions may not be able to apply directly.
2) Otherwise, you may have to write your own codes to handle this issue.
The solution is add a boolean field to the table which DISCUZ uses to hold
the every post. If people select not to post to the forum, the new boolean
field will be set as "false". Then for every forum related pages, you will
modify the codes to check if the new boolean fields set as false, the post
will not be shown. - this will be too much and also it will make your system
not be able to be updated directly from future DISCUZ new version.
3) still use the boolean fields as 2), but that boolean fields doesn't control
any other forum pages. that boolean field only control if the post will
be shown in 文苑首页. Which means you may only have two places to modify.
First, when people post, you will have one more selection for them, "show
or not show in 文苑首页", then when the post added, and when the post is
added to the database, the "show or not show in 文苑首页" will be represented
by true or false of the new boolean field you added. Second, in the codes
to get the posts for "文苑首页", in the sql statement, you will add one
more condition, the new boolean fields has to be true.