1. 不定冠词 + 名词单数: A computer is a data processor.
2. 定冠词 + 名词单数: The computer has changed the way we live.
3. 名词复数: Computers are useful.
4. 不可数名词: Life is wonderful.
1. “不定冠词 + 名词单数”的格式表示:该类别里每个个体都具有这个特性。比如
A computer is a data processor表示每个computer都是data process。这时候就不能用The computer is a data process(理由见2).
2. “定冠词 + 名词单数”的格式表示:该类别作为整体的时候具有这种特性。比如The computer has changed the way we live的意思是,计算机作为一个整体改变了我们的生活,而其中的一台或数台并不一定能够改变我们的生活。所以,这时候就不能说A computer has changed the way we live.
3. “名词复数” 的格式最常用,表示的是一种笼统模糊的类别。比如我们说Computers are useful的时候并不介意其中是否有个把并不useful。
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-2-3 18:07 这里的Thread挺好, 不像Facebook, 多人铺就很快被别的帖子打沉。作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-2-3 19:32 I am watching Feichengwurao, Mengfei really cracked me up when he asked the male guest why his tears was welling up in his eyes, and the guest said because of the flashing light and the 24 beautiful girls. Mengfei said then instead of tears, you should be mouth-watering.作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-2-3 19:46 The reason why I am bumping your tread is I forgot to bump it in the first place. The other day I saw this but something distracted me at that moment and then it completely slipped my mind. So I keep bumping it now, trying to make it up, and I think it won't hurt to do so?作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-2-3 19:52 Please accept my sincere apologies for the delay in responding to your post. Thanks again and I really appreciate your help and support!作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-2-3 20:47 Xulaoshi, I am glad that I could have a chance to do something for you. I have learned a lot from you. You are my good teacher. Anybody who wants to say something bad about you , they have to ask me first! http://book.douban.com/subject/26225977/discussion/613126957/作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-2-4 16:22 谢谢告知,他那个帖子污蔑我和徐英才或是廖康有一男一女的特殊关系,我已经取了证,他吃官司是吃定的了。