看得起的回下话哈。。。。。不要让小弟心凉啊。。。。作者: zhuxiaodi 时间: 2008-2-20 18:01 新来的客人,欢迎到访伊甸。你可能还不了解这里的内容和性质。这是一个接近纯文学的网站。从你最近连发几贴的内容看,只有这批春宫算是还有艺术价值、也值得贴在这里。类似你其它贴子的东东就不要费神再往这里搬了。犹其不要使劲往别处拉人。这里是以文会友的,你若是有好文字在这里结下了朋友,再想介绍人去其它地方,也未可厚非。总之,请你尊重这里的读者。不要弄污了这里的空气。再次感谢介绍春宫图,若是知道历史出处,请注明。是古画,还是今人伪作仿古?作者: searain 时间: 2008-2-20 22:12 This could be a web robot attacks discuz. So you maybe talked to a web robot - or the geek name, bot.
If you google the name "yangk13148", you can see most of his posts are on the web sites based on Discuz.作者: weili 时间: 2008-2-20 22:22 谢谢海雨。
我刚才看了一下,这个人的IP总是在变,但一直在美国(波士顿、加州......)作者: searain 时间: 2008-2-20 23:38 Technically, it looks like a bot.
But he only posted a few posts so far. Usually, when bot attacks, they will post dozens posts a day at least.
And his posts do have some good pictures (it takes some time to put them together.), trying to provide some "useful" contents to attract the traffic to his sites. Usually when bot attacks, they just post their links, they even do not bother to post some pictures. And when they do, they may post 1 porn. But most of his photos are not porn.
So even this is a bot attack, it is not too evil.
I don't think you should pay too much attention to his posts and spend too much time on his posts now. A few posts like this in a web site is normal in today's world.
But also you can see he posts everywhere. So if you guys just want to ban him I don't think it is a problem.
Or you want wait to see if he never replies in person in the future, or if his posts number jump, or if his contents become too much over the edge, then you may assume "he" is a bot and take action then.
Personally, I don't think most of his photos are offensive, well the links under his posts are over board.
Except the photos of this post may be offensive to someone. There are some books talking about old Chinese春宫图 like this and some research on this topic too. And there are many regular Japanese painting or drawing books/magazines had content ike this (they are not considered as porn in Japan).
Well, I might be wrong here. I only knew 20 years ago, some regular Japanese painting and drawing mangazines (not porn) the library subscribed had these kind pictures in it. So according to the rules then in China, these Japanese maganzines were not open to the public readers.
In simple words, block him or not, it is not worth your time or our time to discuss about it. Either way, it should both be OK.作者: weili 时间: 2008-2-21 10:09 既然这组画是引起“争议”的,而这个楼主可能是个“活死人”。
a. 违反美国宪法、法律的言论、图文,如鼓吹种族歧视、散布儿童色情等;
b. 违反美国或它国出版法、侵犯原创作者著作版权的转载文章;
c. 根据常理判断属于侵犯隐私、人身侮辱、词语龌龊的图文、言论;
d. 根据常理判断属于与本论坛讨论题目毫无关联的商业广告;
e. 根据常理判断属于非理性甚至恶意的网络垃圾信息倾泻;
f. 违反以思想,写作,文化,友谊交流为宗旨的贴文;
g. 有可能将伊甸文苑卷入法律纠纷的帖子。
对于违反上述条例的用户,伊甸文苑保留删贴、注销网名乃至谢绝访问等处分权力。作者: searain 时间: 2008-2-21 13:12 I think the closest one is d) 根据常理判断属于与本论坛讨论题目毫无关联的商业广告;but the links may not be for 商业. But the purpose is for 广告 of his sites, which is for sure.
You may want to remove the 商业 from your rules to cover these kind cases.
if according to rule a) , even it is 色情, it still doesn't break your rule, strictly speaking. Only 儿童色情 does. These photos are not 儿童色情.
these photos are in gray area. Could be 色情 or not 色情. Could be culture or not. Very arguable. But it is not the key points of breaking rules or not.
But this user is not a serious member anyway, he posted in too many forums the same posts. So I don't think you should spend too much time to worry about whether to block his posts or not. It is not worth it.
In my own opinions, his links not his contents of the post are breaking the rules. If he is a real member, then remind him not to add these links will be good enough at this stage.
But "he" might be a bot, or someone just post for attracting traffic to his site, and never pay attention about his posts and this forum. So if you want to ban him, it shouldn't be problem. if you want wait and see for now, it should be fine too.作者: thesunlover 时间: 2008-2-21 13:40 请注意:伊甸里的许多小说很“色情”或是“情色”的,比如文取心、为力等人的,其细腻入微的性描写的色情或情色程度,比这几幅古代春宫画有过之而无不及。这些小说堂而皇之占据大量版面,享受着读者的欣赏和评论,两者的待遇为何截然不同?莫非是图画比文字对感官的冲击更具有杀伤力么?
说实话,关键不是你外露不外露,而是达不到专业色情水准,这点让俺挺失望的。是爷们,就弄点“高精尖”的货色来撒,别尽整那二半吊子,一点都体现不了行业风范。这里有“短消息”的悄悄话功能,您给点“专业”网站,俺去观摩观摩?作者: searain 时间: 2008-2-21 16:19 哈,my mistake. You are not a bot, you have a lot of time in your hands to post in so many discuz sites. I just spent two days to fence off a bot attacks from Australia in the work (not yidian), so it sounds the alarm. But bot will post at least 50-200 posts on a forum a day like I said before. So bot or not, you got me confused.