为使接苗更好地生长,在速生期要进行适当的施肥,并加强圃地管理。作者: xw 时间: 2009-2-2 13:24 ...apples don't "come true" from seeds - that is, an apple tree grown from a seed will be a wildling bearing little resemblance to its parent. Anyone who wahts edible apples plants grafted trees, for the fruit of seedling apples is almost always inedible - "sour enough"
Looked at from this angle, planting seeds instead of clones was an extraordinary act of faith in the American land, a vote in favor of the new and unpredictable as against the familiar and European.
"Every wild apple shrub excites our expectations thus," Thoreau wrote, "somewhat
as every wild child. It is , perhaps, a prince in disguise. What a lesson to man!...Poets and philosophers and statesmen thus spring up in the country pastures, and outlast the hosts of unoriginal men."
...The botany of the apple - the fact that the one thing it won't do is
come true from seed - meant that its history would be a history of heroic individuals, rather than groups or types or lines. There is or at least there was, a single Golden Delicious tree, of which every subsequent tree bering that name has been a grafted clone.
这倒是个好例子:苹果的种类可以说是最多的,但最后人们能买到的,种类越来越少。作者: weili 时间: 2009-2-5 13:46 ~ HISTORY of APPLE ~
Apples are members of the rose family. Apple tree is a fruit tree that marked the beginning of peopling on Earth. It was referred to as a forbidden fruit by God that Eve offered to Adam to enjoy, resulting in the man being cast out of Eden. Moreover, from the anthropological data on Stone Age man in Europe, the apple was present. In Greek and Roman mythology, apples are symbol of love and beauty.
The country of origin of apples is Asia where wild fruit growing can be dated back to the Neolithic. Gradually, this spread to Iran and eventually further to the West - to Asia Minor and Greece. Soon, the Romans, the Germanic, the Celtic and Slavic tribes spread the apple tree over to the Apennine peninsula, and across the Balkans central and the Western Europe, all the way to the British Islands. It is believed that the Romans brought apple cultivation with them when they conquered England about first Century B.C. The apple tree is also spread to the North and South America and Australia when the early settlers brought seeds and grafts to the new continents.
Today, apples are grown in orchards and research is carried out to develop new and improved species.作者: weili 时间: 2009-2-5 13:49 苹果是栽培种.塞威士苹果Malus sieversii(Led.)Roem. 是苹果的野生种.中国苹果和西洋苹果皆起源于塞威士苹果.西洋苹果(苹果)起源于中亚的塞威士苹果,但杂有高加索东方苹果M. orientalis Uglitz. 和欧洲森林苹果M. Sylvestris Mill. 的基因,而中国苹果则是从新疆塞威士苹果的纯系驯化而来的栽培种.现代苹果果实的大小、色泽、品质及成熟期等性状的多样化,是祖先种在自然演化过程中早已出现不同类型的变异特征.有些变异特征直接满足了人类的愿望,从而由野生类型通过驯化成为栽培类型.此过程在塞威士苹果接近人类居住的野生群落所在地至今尚可见到.中亚的塞威士苹果,在自然变异的基础上加上种间杂交的变异形成了变异类型的多样化,在人为驯化过程中,有益的经济性状被保留下来,且不断积累成为现代西洋苹果栽培品种丰富多彩的格局.天山支脉的塞威士苹果是经过第四纪冰川多次袭击后的幸存者,其类型变异的多样化是大气候与地形气候变化及种内杂交的不同群落趋暖趋湿竞争相结合的结果,而这些复杂的特征特性后来为栽培者所继承和发展.作者: weili 时间: 2009-2-5 16:42 1、每天吃一个苹果,不易得心脏病,因为它含有大量的果胶,这种可溶性纤维质可以降低胆固醇。苹果里的果胶会和胆囊中的胆固醇结合排出,可以稀释胆汁,由于防胆结石的效果。可以调整人体生理机能,而其含有的单宁酸可以同时缓治轻度腹泻和便秘。单宁酸既有机酸均有收敛作用,并能吸收细菌及毒素。