昨天下午儿女放学回家,四年级的女儿告诉我班里进行了总统选举,每个人写个纸条折好给老师,并写出决定的理由,最后统计结果奥巴马赢了。女儿选了奥巴马,我问为什么,她答:I want to give black people a chance.
我去问一年级的弟弟,快六岁了,他说如果他参加会选奥巴马,I asked why, he said, "John McCain is older than my grandpa, i think younger people are smarter. "
女儿今年开始讨厌上中文课,教学形式刻板,是中式的,不是美式的,作业也枯燥无味,其中有个要求用‘练习’造句,她毫不犹豫地写下:“我决不练习中文!”。作者: 悟空 时间: 2008-11-9 19:58 We were on 28N heading toward Dulles Airport.
"Daddy, which direction are we heading?" asked my 5 year-old son.
"We are heading north."
"Are we going to hit North Pole if we keep going?" He asked.
"Yes, we are. "Amused, I tried to keep my cool.
"Yeah. But we will hit Canada first." My 8-yr old weighed in.
"You guys are just getting better and better."Finally, I bursted into laugh.作者: 晨思 时间: 2008-11-9 22:29 ~~~~~
My 5 year-old son’s big words, “when I am 40 years old, I will take care of my Mummy and daddy. "Why do you think so?" He replied, “ My brain tells me so, my brain always tell me the right thing! “
Son (5 year-old): "Mum, I am a bit worried about my marriage . Whom I am going to marry when I grow up? How am I going to find my wife?"
Mum: “ why? You don’t need to worry about it now. “
Son: “Because …I want to marry someone who can also speaks Chinese, but in my class, they all speak English, a few can speaks Spanish, but no one speaks Chinese. You are so lucky to find my dad, because he can speak Chinese, how did you find him? “
Three 5 years old kids (kinder students) were playing in a house . My son likes to brag, he talked to others first, “You know, I can speak English, but I also speak Chinese, and I learned Spanish, so I speak three languages. ” A girl (her family are immigrants from Persian) immediately followed, “I can speak English,and I also speak French and Persian.”, The boy named Harry (his family came from England), who is very shy , quiet and pale, he paused a little, then said, “I don’t speak other Languages, but my English is the best!”作者: 纯属个人视角 时间: 2008-11-9 22:45 表扬一下晨思。贡献了这种带有深刻性的幽默。此篇甚至可以说是关于大选的最出色、最短小精悍的文本了。这是真幽默真有趣,总结一下就是:在令人忍俊不禁的时刻,隐喻了民族的、种族的无奈和悲情。张力强,非常具有喜剧性、喜剧效果。导读一下。作者: 晨思 时间: 2008-11-9 22:53 多谢视角表扬,让你表扬伊甸的来客还真不容易啊作者: 纯属个人视角 时间: 2008-11-10 09:00 地主婆为力说,伊甸是个文艺性网站,希望大家认真探讨文艺话题,积极贡献文学作品。我就写点“遵命文学”吧。文学创作很多门类,隔行如隔山,我这个文艺外行,要发个言什么的,基本上张嘴就是错误,开口就是丢脸。好在这里大家都是业余,说错了也没关系。
但场景切换到儿童的世界,情况就发生了大逆转。还是这件事情,还是这些元素,同样是总统竞选,你看人家学校搞的“模拟试验”多么文明有序充满温情。结果出来了,连结果都和成人的一样:奥巴马当选。但出其不意的喜剧效果来了:“女儿选了奥巴马,我问为什么,她答:I want to give black people a chance. ”。嘿嘿嘿,这个世界突然变得简单了,变得不需要为说什么不触发种族矛盾和触犯种族歧视忌讳而闪烁其词了。
一句话搞定。童言无忌仿佛瞬间解决了美国的所有问题:对于经济衰退的担忧和宗族融合的顾忌。但也就是在此刻,喜剧显示出悲情的一面,那就是其实这些矛盾并没有解决,而且注定一时半会儿也不可能解决。作者: 纯属个人视角 时间: 2008-11-10 19:06 儿童世界或者说纯真视界看成人,成人的荒诞和虚伪毕现,不过,“I want” to“ give”“ black people” a “chance.”,谁说不也是成人内心羞羞答答的犹豫和糊里糊涂的期待呢?作者: 晨思 时间: 2008-11-10 20:01 多谢视角洋洋洒洒写了这么多,评论家嘛。