作者: thesunlover 时间: 2008-8-20 03:20 Touching. Was her Mom murdered by Japanese? 作者: thesunlover 时间: 2008-8-20 03:25 Lost Baby Whale Tries to Suckle Australian Yacht, Herald Says
By Ed Johnson
Aug. 20 (Bloomberg) -- A lost baby humpback whale has mistaken a yacht moored off a beach north of Sydney for its mother and is trying to suckle the vessel to stay alive, the Sydney Morning Herald newspaper reported.
The calf, which may have been abandoned by its mother, was spotted yesterday and coaxed out to sea by wildlife authorities, though it returned to shore, the newspaper said on its Web site.
Television news reports yesterday showed images of the whale circling beneath a yacht. A sailor who identified himself as Peter telephoned local radio today saying he awoke to hear a ``strange suckling sound'' at the bottom of his boat anchored near Palm Beach, about 35 kilometers (21 miles) north of Sydney, according to the report.
The National Parks and Wildlife Service has investigated whether it would be possible to formula feed the whale in captivity and decided it isn't feasible, the newspaper said. The calf is incapable of surviving without its mother's milk and has only days to live, the Herald reported.
To contact the reporter on this story: Ed Johnson in Sydney at ejohnson28@bloomberg.net.作者: 海外逸士 时间: 2008-8-20 16:50 希望看到後續報導。作者: 晴山 时间: 2008-8-20 18:41 上班途上一路听电台的听众对话,显然几天来人们也比较现实了,尽管还有不少人坚持要对这头幼鲸予以援手,越来越多的人认识到其实回天乏术。唯一拯救幼鲸成功的先例是美国圣地亚哥,但那是头灰鲸,这次是一头大得多的驼背鲸(humpback whale),成鲸长达14米,体重40顿,驼背鲸需要由母亲带着喂养到一岁多,然后教它捕食鳞虾的本领后才能独自生存,而人类是无法替代这一母亲角色的,即使将它临时捕捞并尝试人工喂奶,费用也要几百万之巨,而且成功可能性很小。政府尽管主张安乐死,但这样的事上公众舆论扮演很大角色,如果反对意见占多数,政府就很难下手。
其实我认为最可怜的结局是让它听天由命,让它在极度虚弱的状态下返回大海,并用声波联络上路过的鲸群并获得领养的可能性是零,鲸的神经系统十分发达,肯定是能够感受痛楚的,拖延只能加深痛楚,最惨的后果是在浅海可能引来鲨鱼。作者: 晴山 时间: 2008-8-21 18:48 这个心酸故事四十分钟前(悉尼早晨)划下句号,一针超剂量麻醉剂让科林(是的,这头幼鲸有了一个人类的名字Colin)在一个塑料帐篷中永久地睡去。这之前动物保护组织成功从高等法院获得了阻止令,但却来不及在清晨送达相关部门的法人代表。不少民众和专家聚集当地, 呼吁再尽一把力,政府的形象显然因而受到了挫伤。科林也受到一些临终关怀,一位原住民鲸语者彻夜陪伴它,和它对话。