flicker 彩虹炫 | flicker 匿名卡 | 编辑 删除 拉黑 刘小曼 2016-6-24 19:33 “鬼恋”,徐訏。以下是网友评论“鬼恋” (looking forward to getting it published)
1)I really enjoyed the balance between internal dialog and actual conversation. Also, much of the descriptive writing had a poetic feel which I also enjoyed. As for constructive criticism, I'm sure there's much to say but as a beginner I'll leave that to somebody better qualified for now.
Keep creating fella.
2)this was nice, it kept my interest. some reason, not sure why, but it had a Chinese vibe to it even though it was translated.
3)Nice work; the translation was a bit awkward in places, but I could still follow the story with no trouble.
The interactions with the mysterious ghost are well done. I look forward to reading more! . flicker 彩虹炫 | flicker 匿名卡 | 编辑 删除 拉黑 刘小曼 2016-7-30 23:27 链接