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标题: [原创] 现场录音: 我对同学演讲的评论录音 [打印本页]

作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2015-8-20 22:21     标题: [原创] 朗读 Sonnet 88 Modern Text

Original Text

Say that thou didst forsake me for some fault,

And I will comment upon that offense.

Speak of my lameness, and I straight will halt,

Against thy reasons making no defense.

Thou canst not, love, disgrace me half so ill,

To set a form upon desired change,

As I’ll myself disgrace, knowing thy will;

I will acquaintance strangle and look strange,

Be absent from thy walks, and in my tongue

Thy sweet belovèd name no more shall dwell,

Lest I, too much profane, should do it wrong

And haply of our old acquaintance tell.

  For thee against myself I’ll vow debate,

  For I must ne'er love him whom thou dost hate.                                                               

Modern Text

(Continuing from Sonnet 88) If you tell people you left me because of some fault of mine, I will expand upon whatever you say I did wrong. Say I’m lame, and I’ll start limping immediately, without trying to defend myself against your accusations. My love, in finding a reason to justify leaving me, you can’t disgrace me half as badly as I’ll disgrace myself, as soon as I know what you want. I’ll pretend I don’t know you and act like a stranger. I won’t go where I might run into you. And I won’t mention your beloved name anymore in case I’d dirty it by reminding people that we used to be acquainted. For your sake, I’ll vow to be my own enemy, because I must not love someone whom you hate.
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2015-8-20 22:30
It is a fine day today

每节课有三到四个同学演讲。  如果拿第一The BestSpeaker不表示英语特别好,而是根据演讲的内容,修辞手法,演讲时的表情,声音,声调的控制,与听众的眼神接触,是否自然,有否紧张,是否幽默等等标准来评定,(除了我,其他同学都是当地人,他们英语都很好)。  演讲的目的有很多,譬如 教观众做一样什么事情,譬如包饺子, 说服人来买你的东西, 煽情---让人签字支持你的某些提议等等。   还有Ribbons,但不知道放哪里了就先Show OFf几个,仅此而已。这些东西拿过了就是垃圾,过一段时间学过的也忘了。100年什么都变灰。
附件 1 : IMG_20150821_003124.jpg (2015-8-20 22:36, 1.67 M )

作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2015-8-21 08:02     标题: [原创] 现场录音: 我对同学演讲的评论录音

现场录音:国际英语演说协会(TM) 对同学演讲的评论


最后他们笑的原因是因为我说那位演讲的同学的名字跟我名字一样是 Wood。
(我爸爸给我起名字的时候,听了测字先生的话,相信我五行欠 “木”,所以叫我“小木”
长大后我发觉其实我欠的是“金” )
作者: 徐英才     时间: 2015-8-21 09:38

Originally posted by Xiaoman at 2015-8-21 08:02:
现场录音:国际英语演说协会(TM) 对同学演讲的评论



Phenomenal. When was the speech contest?
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2015-8-21 10:37
Thanks路老师that was not a speech contest it was an exercise.  I joined that club a few years ago. Club members met once a week,  4 speakers per time, sometimes 5. Sometimes I was able to  beat my fellow speakers.  The audience (the class) voted for the best speaker based on all the standards from the public speaking manual.
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-7-30 09:50
亲爱的新读者,我在我贝壳村博客和“译网情深” 介绍了我是曾任加拿大圣约翰市国际英语演说协会的副主席,以上是支持论据之一,是我录音展示。我学历欢迎核实。

作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-7-30 10:09

作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-7-30 23:00

泰戈尔 Rabindranath Tagore《世界上最遥远的距离》朗诵者:Unknown(sorry!)

Farthest Distance in the world 《飞鸟与鱼》(据称并非泰戈尔所著,而只是署名)

The farthest distance in the world
Is not the distance between life and death
But you don’t know I love you when
I stand in front of you

不是 生與死的距離

The farthest distance in the world
Is not you don’t know I love you when I stand in front of you
But I cannot say I love you when I love you so madly

不是我站在你面前 你不知道我愛你
而是 愛到癡迷 卻不能說我愛你

The farthest distance in the world
Is not I cannot say I love you when I love you so madly
But I can only bury it in my heart despite the unbearable yearning

世界上最遠的距離 不是我不能說我愛你
而已是 想你痛徹心脾 卻只能深埋心底

The farthest distance in the world
Is not I can only bury it in my heart despite the unbearable yearning
But we cannot be together when we love each other

世界上最遠的距離 不是 我不能說我想你
而是 彼此相愛 卻不能夠在一起

The farthest distance in the world
Is not we cannot be together when we love each other
But we pretend caring nothing even we know love is unconquerable

世界上最遠的距離 不是彼此相愛
卻不能夠在一起 而是明知道真愛無敵 卻裝作毫不在意

The farthest distance in the world
Is not the distance between two trees
But the branches cannot depend on each other in wind even they grow from the same root

世界上最遠的距離 不是樹與樹的距離
而是 同根生長的樹枝 卻無法在風中相依

The farthest distance in the world
Is not the branches cannot depend on each other
But two stars cannot meet even they watch each other

世界上最遠的距離 不是 樹枝無法相依
而是 相互瞭望的星星 卻沒有交彙的軌跡

The farthest distance in the world
Is not the track between two stars
But nowhere to search in a tick after two tracks join

世界上最遠的距離 不是星星之間的軌跡
而是縱然軌跡交彙 卻瞬間無處尋覓

The farthest distance in the world
Is not nowhere to search in a tick
But doomed not to be together before they meet

世界上最遠的距離 不是瞬間便無法尋覓
而是 尚未相遇 便註定無法相聚

The farthest distance in the world Is the distance between fish and bird
One is in the sky, another is in the sea

世界上最遠的距離 是魚與飛鳥的距離 一個在天 一個卻深潛海底

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