应该是10月10日公布2008年诺贝尔和平奖获奖者。谁将获得此奖?近日一些海外中文网络盛传中国大陆的异议胡佳很有希望,存在这样议论的理由之一是今年是人权宣言发表60周年,可能要选择在维护人权方面做出突出贡献的人士;另外一个理由大概与奥斯陆国际和平研究院(the International Peace Research Institute in Oslo)主任、密切观察诺贝尔奖的Stein Toennesson看法有关。
有关Stein Toennesson的看法,大概来源于9月24日英国卫报(http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/video/2008/feb/01/hu.jia)的一篇报导。在这篇报导中,Toennesson是这样说的,"The prize will go this year to a Chinese dissident and I believe the most likely [recipient] will be Hu Jia, perhaps together with his wife [Zeng Jinyan]," "He has become the most well known Chinese dissident now and it has been a very long time since anyone [related to China] has won the prize." 报导中也列举了专家认为北京奥运期间人权状况不佳的看法。前诺贝尔委员会成员候选人、奥斯陆大学国际关系教授(professor of international relations at the University of Oslo)Janne Haaland Matlary说,"There was a lot of repression during the Olympic Games. Now is a golden opportunity to underline that repression is unacceptable,"。
在卫报的这篇报导中,还提到了诺贝尔委员会秘书(secretary of the Nobel committee)、Geir Lundestad教授的看法。他表示,委员会也可能选择一名记者或一家媒体组织。“好的新闻报道不同于宣传报道或错误报道,它对和平至关重要”。他提到的人选包括CNN,纽约时报,世界报或国家报。