Obama 虽然支持 Affirmative Action,但从他的写作中可以看出他对以族裔为基础的 Affirmative Action的一些不同观点。在这一问题上,与Hillary Clinton 相比,Obama 做出对华裔有利决定的可能性要大得多。以下几段引自 Obama 的书“The Audacity of Hope”, 反映他对族裔、部落及 Affirmative Action 的看法:
“As the child of a black man and a white woman, someone who was born in the racial melting pot of Hawaii, with a sister who’s half Indonesian but who’s usually mistaken for Mexican or Puerto Rican, and a brother-in-law and niece of Chinese descent...I’ve never had the option of restricting my loyalties on the basis of race, or measuring my worth on the basis of tribe. Moreover, I believe that part of America’s genius has always been its ability to absorb newcomers, to forge a national identity out of the disparate lot that arrived on our shores.” [The Audacity of Hope]
“I imagine the white Southerner who growing up heard his dad talk about niggers this and niggers that but who has struck up a friendship with the black guys at the office and is trying to teach his own son different, who thinks discrimination is wrong but doesn’t see why the son of a black doctor should get admitted into law school ahead of his own son.” [The Audacity of Hope]
“Even as we continue to defend affirmative action as a useful, if limited, tool to expand opportunity to underrepresented minorities, we should consider spending a lot more of our political capital convincing America to make the investments needed to ensure that all children per???? at grade level and graduate from high school — a goal that, if met, would do more than affirmative action to help those black and Latino children who need it the most...An emphasis on universal, as opposed to race-specific, programs isn’t just good policy; it’s also good politics.” [The Audacity of Hope]
看到不少支持 Clinton 的帖子空谈 Bill Clinton 当年有益华人的政绩,但拿得出任何一点点事实根据吗?虽然 Bill Clinton 的对华政策与其前任无大出入,但其竞选王牌之一就是攻击 W.Bush 的友善对华政策。而 Clinton 任期间,美国的排华空气可以说是达到了近二、三十年的最高点。李文和当年被解雇、铛锒入狱,就是由 Clinton 的能源部长 Bill Richardson 和司法部长 Janet Reno 一手操办。几十万大陆学生、学者被指责为中共间谍,Clintons 没有出来讲过一句正义之辞,反而是对李文和加压(59项指控,9个月单身囚禁)以示其坚决反中共间谍的立场。几位曾为 Clinton 积极助选募捐的华人(John Huang, Charlie Trie)也被指责为中共帮凶、甚至入狱,为了自己的权益 Clintons 竟与共和党人一起落井下石。几年过后,华人却毫无记性、一窝蜂地去支持另一位 Clinton。