为了制止这件事情的继续发展,我声明一下:我从2010年到2011年5月,评论过某些网人的作品。从那个时间,已经离开了某文学社(have later blocked the site on my computer)。因此对那里的一切事情和所有 writings 全无兴趣,根本没再读那里的任何作品,更提不上评论谁的诗歌。
到年纪大点,就无须忍了,因为看不到该忍的事了。(作者: 忍忍 时间: 2013-3-16 18:32 谢谢同学们。最近不能多来这里。作者: 忍忍 时间: 2013-5-7 12:53 To whom it may concern:
People have no self-respect will never win respect! The very thought
of some nuisance makes me puke! Just get lost!
Not knowing how to stop you, let me just say the plain facts as following:
1, I don't see anything in you that is worth mentioning. I don't think
you are up to the level
2, There is nothing in your poems that is worth reading, some of them were
made in a very bad faith. This is my true opinion of your poems!
3, What do you think you have? I don't see any intelligent person have no
reservation, with such a lower self-respect and a lower respect for his family
as well.
4, If being a nuisance makes you excited, go on! I have no high opinion of you!
5, I don't play second-handed game, that is me! This is for real!作者: xyy 时间: 2013-5-7 14:28 說句題外話,請勿介意啊。這標題“申明”沒錯,可是否用“聲明”更好些?