作者: weili 时间: 2006-4-12 15:11 兰晖,今天又有网友不知道去BULK里去找伊甸激活的E。有没有解决的办法?作者: searain 时间: 2006-4-12 18:09 Lanhui, I am interested in this email in bulk issue too.
What do you think? My understanding is on the shared server, no good final solution for this issue, the email will end up in some people's spam or bulk folder anyway if they or their ISP set up the anti-spam rule too restrict.
As in yidian's current case, their email will land in Bulk/Spam a lot in the demo time, due to right now, it is running on Lanhui's server, the email is sent from lanhui's server and it is claimed to be from yidian.org. And yidian.org registertation shows different ip address than Lanhui's server. Many anti-spam tool will mark the email as a spam.
After they transfer the site to their own hosting, that could be better. At least, the anti-spam can see the yidian's email is from the right ip which yidian should be at, some of them will not mark it as spam. But still, due to it is from a shared server many other web sites will use to send out email too, some anti-spam tools will still mark the email as a spam, unless the server has to put all the sites use its server to send email on a "trust list" and somehow "broadcast" that these sites are authorized to send email from this server.作者: weili 时间: 2006-4-18 14:59 听说激活E落入bulk,不至只有我们网站。请大家注意。