I am in the wrong way
the first night in the subway
under much
masculine stare
In Beijing, the subway is clean and bright but here
I feel like crawling
in the tunnels dug by moles
The coin phone remains the only
hope for rescue
I lost several quarters
before my trembling fingers
reached the cheap hotel
West 4,a sheer luck
sends me on my way
to a restful night
俺刚到美国时,就是终日奔波在大华府的地铁线上。DUPON CIRCLE, UNION STATION。。。。最让我心动的,当然是嘉利里站---唐人街,打工的路上,每次沿阶梯而上,看那写有“中国城”的牌楼渐渐映入眼帘,啊,那是一种什么样的感受?年轻的心真象被一只巨大的铁手玩弄着,要破碎,要滴血......