“姐姐,今夜我不想你,我只关心人类。“作者: 章凝 时间: 2022-7-21 22:29 美人造就诗人,诗人为美人所造就。人间无美人,世上没诗人。当然,毁灭诗人的也是美人。作者: 章凝 时间: 2022-8-24 13:50 优秀作品被读者漠视,这不是作者的羞耻,而是读者的悲哀 — 当然他们不会意识到这点。当作者的心智远高于群氓大众,知音难觅自理所当然,你不必对此介意。作者: 章凝 时间: 2022-9-3 10:25 The apparition of these faces in the crowd:
Petals on a wet, black bough. - By Ezra Pound
The more insomnia, the more poems.作者: 章凝 时间: 2023-2-18 16:31 写诗是什么?写诗乃动物的一种夜间行为,或是荒原狼的仰天嘶号,或是夜莺的低吟清唱。
What is writing poetry? Writing poetry is a nocturnal behavior of animals, or the howling of a wilderness wolf, or the whispering and singing of a nightingale.作者: 章凝 时间: 2023-2-20 19:53 当你仰头望月,就写下了一首诗;当你低头看花,就完成了一幅画。此时此刻,你就是诗人艺术家。美化你的人生吧,去描绘更多的书画。
When you look up at the moon, you have written a poem; when you look down at the flowers, you have completed a painting. At this very moment, you are a poet and artist. Embellish your life, go paint more paintings and calligraphy.作者: 章凝 时间: 2023-2-22 19:34 面孔上不要涂抹太厚的脂粉,文章中不要罗列太多的名人。不然,人们看到的是脂粉和名人,而非真实的你。
Don't put too much powder on your face, and don't list too many big names in your writings. Otherwise, people will see the powder and big names, rather than the real you.作者: 章凝 时间: 2023-2-23 23:04 不要美化拔高你的写作,更不要为之自我感动,它不过就是你的生活内容之一,与吃喝玩乐谈情说爱没啥本质不同,当然你喜欢叫它行为艺术或艺术行为也行。
Do not romanticize or elevate your writing, not to mention the self-touching. Writing is merely one aspect of your life content with no significant difference from eating, drinking, playing, and loving. Of course, you may call it performance art or artistic behavior if it makes you feel good.作者: 章凝 时间: 2023-2-25 23:06 当人智诗人超越人类诗人的时候,人类就来到了灭亡的前夜。可惜,庆幸我很可能看不到了。
When AI poets overtake human poets, humanity comes to the eve of extinction. Unfortunately, fortunately, I will most likely not see it.作者: 章凝 时间: 2023-2-28 14:51 所谓文化名人体系是这样的:头一个人负责盖房子,后面的人负责给房子刷漆。
The so-called cultural celebrity system works like this: the first person is responsible for building the house, and the ones behind are responsible for painting it.作者: 章凝 时间: 2023-3-1 21:54 俗话说天下文章一大抄,而对我来说,最不可能去抄,因为抄袭和剽窃都是严重侮辱自己的智商啊,我的高傲不允许我这样做。天下有比我写得好的文字,但没有能让我侮辱自己智商的文字。
It's said that all articles in the world copy each other. However, for me, it's impossible to copy others because plagiarism and piracy are serious insults to my IQ. My pride would not allow me to do so. There are writings that are better than mine, but there are no writings that can make me insult my own IQ.作者: 章凝 时间: 2023-3-4 17:33 一篇好文章,或一本好书,灵性读者一目十行即得其精髓,愚钝读者逐字逐句看百遍也不得要领。
For a good article, or a good book, a spiritual reader will get its essence at a glance, but a dull reader will not get it even if reading it word by word a hundred times.作者: 章凝 时间: 2023-3-7 23:32 父亲是上海人,我在上海出生,算半个上海人,所以我批上海,不算地域歧视(其实全国各地特别是我老家我都想批,一视同仁没有歧视)。上海出文化人,上海出产的文人众多。上海文人,或多或少,都透着一股上海特有的市侩味(或许我自己身上也有)。此种海派市侩味,极大压缩了持有者的心胸格局。
My father is a Shanghainese; I was born in Shanghai and am half Shanghainese, so I criticize Shanghai, not regional discrimination (in fact, I want to criticize all over the country, especially my hometown, and I treat everyone equally without discrimination). Shanghai produces a lot of cultural figures, including many literati. Shanghai's literati, more or less, all reveal a unique flavor of Shanghai's philistines (perhaps I have it myself). This kind of Shanghai-style philistine taste has greatly compressed the holder's mindset pattern and soul level.作者: 章凝 时间: 2023-3-10 13:26 你想写诗吗?那么最好在夜晚,因为那时候没有光,没有光很黑暗,你就渴望光,你就会努力用你的笔,写出星星和月亮。
Do you want to write poetry? Then better at night, because there is no light at night; no light is very dark, so you long for light, and you'll work hard with your pen to write the stars and the moon.作者: 章凝 时间: 2023-3-14 20:08 人类所有的文学艺术,只为了让人们打发无聊时光,从而暂时忘却痛苦和死亡。
All literature and arts created by humans only serve to make people pass the boring time, thus temporarily forgetting about pain and death.作者: 章凝 时间: 2023-3-18 14:58 我明白,我的一些甚至许多文字,都含有“故作“的成分在里面,诸如故作姿态、故作潇洒、故作多情、故作豪迈、故作聪明、故作高雅、故作深沉、故作刚正、故作勇猛,等等。自我辩护一下,哪位诗人作家又从来不“故作“呢?有史以来恐怕没有一个。“故作”乃文字之必然,正如虚伪和伪善乃人性之必然。“故作”可以,但要适度,有“故作”,更要有真诚。
I understand that some or even many of my writings contain an element of "pretentiousness,"?such as pretentious posture, pretentious charm, pretentious sentimentality, pretentious heroicness, pretentious intelligence, pretentious elegance, pretentious profoundness, pretentious righteousness, pretentious courage, and so on. In self-defense, which poet or writer has never had any pretentiousness in their works? Probably none throughout history. Pretentiousness is inevitable in writing, just as hypocrisy and insincerity are inevitable in human nature. Pretentiousness is acceptable, but it must be moderate. While there may be pretentiousness, there must also be sincerity.作者: 章凝 时间: 2023-3-20 20:14 所有的文字,无不是真话与谎言的交织体。语言本身即非纯真。
All texts are a mixture of truth and lies. The language itself is not crystal pure.作者: 章凝 时间: 2023-4-20 21:35 世上最有可能变为生产垃圾的工作就是写作。垃圾污染环境,烂文毒化心灵。
Writing is perhaps the most likely profession to produce waste. Whereas garbage pollutes the environment, shoddy writing can corrupt the mind and diminish the spirit.作者: 章凝 时间: 2023-7-14 20:41 敝帚自珍虽难免,尽可能客观公允地评价自我,不仅是一种品行,更是一种才能。作者: 章凝 时间: 2023-7-15 16:54 作为一个不是诗人的诗人,一个诗人中的诗人,我冷冷观看着现代诗人们的精彩表演:蝇营狗苟、尔虞我诈、坑蒙拐骗,外加自杀、杀人,和发疯。作者: 章凝 时间: 2024-10-22 22:56 写作是一项高雅的文化行为吗?—— 那可不一定,这取决于你写出来了什么,你的产品决定你的行为,是高雅还是低俗;你的行为决定你的定位,是君子还是流氓。即使是君子,还有可能是伪君子。作者: 章凝 时间: 2024-10-28 21:35 指望你看不起的人欣赏你,岂不是一种愚蠢的行为。——说我自己呢。作者: 章凝 时间: 2024-11-11 22:05 写诗是什么?写诗就是诗人把自己身上的各种气,通过文字输出,转嫁到读者身上。