随身带了三本书,消磨不能上网的时间。虽然今年机票三个月前就订好了。打包到了出发前一晚才搞定,也没有时间想带什么书在路上看。随便从车库里拿了本劳伦 斯的《查特莱夫人的情人〉,一本西班牙文的《Como Aqua Para Chocolate》(有电影,很好看。这本书我也是看不懂的,就是想或许有空复习一下已经认识的词汇),一本詹姆斯乔伊斯二十几岁写的一本短篇小说集 《都柏林人》。第一本虽然传说是黄书,我却从来没看过,中文翻译的也没看过。这次翻了开头几页,跟《少女的心》那种东东根本不是一回事。再看介绍,当时小 说被禁,就是因为写了性,使用了一些今天英语里司空见惯的四个字母词语。介绍说当初排版是在意大利做的,错误百出。幸亏意大利人不懂英文,才没有从一开始 就拒绝排版。带这三本书纯粹因为都不厚。
今年邪门。上海入境。没看见公安收入境单,也没看见食品检验的人收单。到达处根本就没看见有人填单。飞机上单子不够了,没有发到我。其实我自己出发前就用 去年带回来的空白单子填好了。带回来本来是作为汉语教学真实语料用的,但是现在网络发达,真实语料的照片手到擒来,根本用不着所谓的home country leave 像特务似地这里拍点照片,那里录点声音,再到哪里拿点表格了。过边境的时候,看见一个牌子写着电子护照可以用左边的机器刷。那里没有人排队。就过去。年轻 的警察们热心指点我怎么用,却没要我入境单。入境安检机那里更是笑话,就一台,还停着,临时启动。让我想起地铁的安检,样子货。也没人检查入境携带现金物品声明单。早知如此,带头猪都进来了。现在看来带东西回国的风险不是带违禁品或者超出免税额度,而仅仅是几率很小的货损和坠机了。不过如果不是给自己带, 大额的的确有这个风险,得事先讲好了才行。
高中同学聚会,肖村桥那里的外婆村餐馆。15人到场。在餐馆拍了一些菜的荒唐英文翻译:腊味合蒸 LaWei or steamed,手撕包菜 Hand bag food,胡辣汤 Hu hot soup,奶黃包 Milk yellow bag,绩溪水馅包 Jixi water filling package,干吃水饺 Do eat dumplings,拍黃瓜 Take the cucumber,蒜蓉粉丝蒸丝瓜 Garlic fans steamed sponge gourd。厕所里的公益广告的英文也很逗。节约用水,文明你最美,小便入池,文明你最美,等等,英文是 Saving water you are the best, Urinating into the pool you are the best。单独的小便入池那条,还配了个漫画,把小鸡鸡都画出来了,还用虚线表示尿液的抛物线。此人的前列腺一定好。
Old, I'm late to visit this Garden of Grand View
Brother Jade has long from his abode departed
Crops in the Rice Village are still verdant and new
Bamboos of Daiyu’s place are quite deserted
The Snowy Reeds Pavilion floats on duck cruised water
The Spicy Herbs Yard sun-bathes in secludedness
At dusk I see a maiden dressed in red color
What a picture of a cloak in the wilderness
The Snowy Reeds Pavilion floats on duck cruised water
The Spicy Herbs Yard in seclusion bathes in the sun's glow
At dusk I see a maiden dressed in red color
Reminding me of Brother Jade begging for plum flower in snow
Her hair is delicate as the willow by the pound
Her pretty figure in the garden is photoed around
Where are the sisters of years gone by?
Even their bones are hard to be found.
Here and now is the art of life
Time flies like the shuttle of the loom
When the color fades from thy face
How many white heads recall this autumn in gloom?