隔墙有耳的意思是walls have ears. Be careful what you say as people may be eavesdropping.
不胫而走的意思是spread like wildfire
Fig. [for something] to spread rapidly. Rumors spread like wildfire when people are excited. This disease will spread like wildfire when it gets going.
肿么回事? 我被吓了一跳, 然后又来一阵声音, " oh, yes, oh, I like it, yes, right there, right there....oh, I love it. ah, honey, f**k me! " 是个女人在嚎叫,然后是个男的在喘气 ,"Oh,yes, baby, I am f**king you..." 然后是床铺咿咿呀呀的呻吟。马的,要拆房子吗? 我暗骂道。
半小时后。我实在是受够了,我提高声音说:“Excuse me, I know I sound weird, but can you guys lower your voice a bit? I am so f**king sick and want to have some sleep. Thanks! "