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标题: [原创] Acceptance [打印本页]

作者: 晨思     时间: 2009-3-28 20:51     标题: [原创] Acceptance

As a individual, we tend to feel there is something wrong with us as we are different from what society and parents want us to be, we struggle  to fit in the schools, the universities, and the work force.  But enlightenment comes one day,  a light bulb gets turned on, ah,  everything is good as the way it is, we should be happy with who we are.

As we travel on our own path, we slowly learn about self and others, and the world around us. I am who I am, they are who they are, on a larger scale , we are all part of a whole which is moving forward with an invisible driving force,  it self-adjusts  when things are not in the right direction .  There are built-in  momentum and destiny, even genetic make-up, and such progress mostly to be accepted, there is no need to fight against the current and exhaust yourself .

Life is never flawless, once we accept its totality as a package which has both good and bad , we began to realize everything is as good as they are. It is ok for me to  be imperfect; it is ok for the world to be imperfect.  80% perfection is what we can look forward to and possibly achieve.  Your parents and spouse are who they are, your naughty kids are just as wonderful as the way they are, they have their habits, character, and personal interests and pattern of growing ,we  accept that everyone  grows at different rate, there is no need to rush, and no point to hurry and punish anyone either, as we learn to loosen the control and we feel more at ease  and in control. We learn to live with others,  try to make peace and a wonderful experience while we are  together and celebrate and embrace the difference.  Why do some people become murders? They can’t accept who they are, and they cannot accept others either.

The difference  makes us realize who we are,  without others,  it’s impossible to understand who you are, what your temperament might be. A living being left alone in desert will not know itself . Every human being is a dot which is connected to others via a dynamic web.  Relationships help us to learn about ourselves, it makes each individual meaningful.  Remain thankful, it is exactly the difference that makes  us unique , and makes the world interesting place to be,  it is a treasured characteristic.

As we age, we learn to accept suffering, we accept the fact that life is hard, acceptance means stop complaining, we agree the whole package is for us to keep regardless  we like it or not. Someone may have a terrible boss, a terrible coworker, a terrible spouse, a terrible kid,  someone may suffer from cancer which he has no control over…. We all have a million reasons to complain about, when we can not change the situation,  we  accept them.  

Rilke says  that life is always right, it is probably true , all things and being have their own force within to move the development forward, sometimes  we  need to button our seat belt,  take the bumpy ride and make our path fun and meaningful as much as possible. We accept difficulties and turbulence in life as they come, and gather the internal strength within to overcome them.

Finally, we accept death, it is as important as life, and we accept it willingly as how we accept ourselves and others, with all the pain, the hard work and suffering in life.  Things will not be staying in dead status for long, as being dead is unstable , the world’s will is to become something out of nothing, it is an affirmative action,  it is a positive statement,  otherwise we would not be here today. Death is a temporary stop,  a reversal and a necessary change process,  the flower dies and the energy is released  and it gains the momentum to be new flowers in the future.

By accepting all  in life, we become more contented with life. The imperfection in life is just perfect and wonderful as it is at this moment, the colorful spring flowers are blooming and smiling again, and the sparrows are chirpping loudly, the small animals running around the bushes, to simply step outside and breath the fresh air ,  how marvelous and cheerful a life can be, and what else do we expect it to be?

作者: 虔谦     时间: 2009-3-28 22:45

今天也是带病给孩子们当司机,路上就不耐烦一点。有个人,要右拐出来,早不出来晚不出来,我开到跟前了才出来。 我就对小儿说:你瞧瞧你这人。 小儿回答:Welcome to the reality!

我觉得 "接受" 是个非常基本的人生概念, 说得更确切一点是人生里和外界和他人关系的概念; 自己在这个世界上如何摆好自己这个位置的概念。 当然并不是一味接受。 度,任何时候都是不容易的。不过具体在这件事情上,首先要做到 “接受”本身就很难。


作者: 晨思     时间: 2009-3-28 23:59

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