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标题: [原创]冲  浪 [打印本页]

作者: 梦冉     时间: 2008-9-10 00:05     标题: [原创]冲  浪

冲  浪

•梦 冉•

  今儿洛城仿佛夏天的光景。一个老友的EMAIL说北京已是玉琢粉雕的雪国。我去HUNTINGTON BEACH,阳光在秋深异乎寻常地,造成海面上一种难得和谐的银光。


  我回来时路过BLOCKBUSTER,看见那本讲冲浪高手的洛城本地艺术电影出录相带了,《IN GOD’S HAND》。我去年此时看的此片,片中拍摄的冲浪圣地有好些,洛城的,夏威夷的,泰国的……

  我看过夏威夷SUNSET BEACH的浪,很美,尤其是在黄昏,它不是那种惊心动魄的浪,却也是很危险的浪。被大浪打翻后,必须沉入水底,因为海水翻腾的力量很强。一直沉到水底,抱起一块大石头使自己不浮上去而只在海底向陆地走去。直到浪过去,才能浮起来,肺活量强盛才行。

  我看《IN GOD’S HAND》,生平第一次对电影产生了很痛苦的感觉,因为我有冲动参与制作。我对它的细节一再推敲,我想用我所有的灵感,激情和文化去制作它,使它成为一个真正的“上帝的杰作”!它的一切就象发生在我的周围:真实,美,悲伤,距离和憧憬。

So you wanna surf.
And the waves near the town
 where you live aren't half bad.
And then you hear about this wave
 in a far away country with a name
 you can't even pronounce.
What then?
How far are you willing to go?
What sacrifice are you willing to make?
How good do you really wanna be?


There's Nothing Like a Curl

Matt George and Matty Liu talk about their new surf movie, 'In God's Hands'

By Richard von Busack

Matt George and Matty Liu are renowned surfers and friends who worked together on the new film In God's Hands. It's a drama about an aging, philosophical surfer named Mickey (George) who feels himself to be at the end of his ride, and his two buddies Keoni (Matty Liu) and Shane (Patrick Shane Dorian). Key to the film are scenes of the monstrous waves in Hawaii and elsewhere.

George, who not only did his own surfing but the writing too, has won Emmies for his sports documentaries and created a well-known CD-ROM, Extreme Sports. Liu is a many-time surfing champion from Oahu who has moved to Santa Monica to seek work as an actor.


Metroactive: Where do you surf now?

Matt George: I'm from the Bay Area. I live in San Francisco, and I surf Santa Cruz now. I have lots of connections to the Santa Clara Valley, though. A good friend lives in Los Gatos, and my mom lives off of the Monterey Highway. I want to say that there's a real surf heritage in San Jose, and the valley should be proud of it.

Metroactive: I noticed that the scene where Shane was surfing--which was supposed to be Mexico--was actually Pigeon Point, near Half Moon Bay.

George: Yeah, that was like a nod of respect to the locals. We wanted to get more into Shane's story, the maverick's tale, but there was too much story here already.

Metroactive: What was the writing process for In God's Hands like?

George: It was a collaboration with director Zalman King. I have a journalism background, so I wrote most of it fast, right here on Telegraph Hill [in San Francisco]. I wrote about stuff I knew, that mode of traveling on tramp steamers, getting broke and hungry, and boxing for money.

Metroactive: So you actually boxed for money, just like your character does in the film?

George: Yeah, it was in Australia; there was this guy who would take on all comers. If you lasted three rounds, you'd get $50.

Metroactive: And you filmed everything on location, including the best part of the film, the waves at Jaws.

George: I'm really proud of the fact that there are no scenes in studio tanks. The water work was done in the surf.

Metroactive: How do you look so calm on those huge-ass waves?

Matty Liu: Any time you surf like that, there's a lot of mental preparation. You have to keep a level head. It's like Michael Jordan when he's playing well in the zone.

Metroactive: Is that a real exercise that Matt George is demonstrating in the opening sequence: carrying a boulder and jogging under water on the ocean floor?

Liu: Actually, that is something surfers will do when the water is a little flat. It's a really comfortable way of exercising in the water. It's cardiovascular, opens your lung capacity--you should try it!

Metroactive: Where exactly is the beach known as Jaws?

Liu: It's in Maui--it's a place that holds enormous waves; you need to be towed in with a jet ski because you can't swim fast enough. When it's breaking right, it can be really big. The cool thing is that In God's Hands is made by surfers for surfers.

Metroactive: Is Zalman King a surfer himself?

Liu: No, but he's an expert diver, and he certainly has no problem being in the water. This really shows in the way King filmed the movie. He used cameras on the cliff and under-the-water housings, and he mounted a camera on the back on a jet ski. In God's Hands really puts the audience in the wave; it might be really great in IMAX.

Metroactive: There's quite a lot of women surfers now--did any one think of including them in the movie?

Liu: I respect women very much. They've been in surfing since day one; they're very graceful, and I'd admire women's pro surfing. But what we wanted to capture was the adventures of these three friends.

Metroactive: My favorite scenes out of the water were the scenes of the surfers analyzing the waves and discussing the surfing itself. Did anyone ever propose making this film as a documentary?

George: We wanted to bring to it a documentary feel since we were working with real surfers as actors, and we'd set them up in these real-life situations. That's why it had that documentary feeling.

Liu: I kind of like the story of this film, although a documentary would have been neat to make, and I'd like it make it really right on. But I think In God's Hands accurately describes the adventure of being a surfer. I'm really proud of it.
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作者: 梦冉     时间: 2008-9-10 02:19
我很少有这么喜欢过一本电影. 98年, 十年之前! 现在回想, 还是觉得很亲切, 很熟悉, 很感动. 因为是本地电影, 每个细节的感觉, 与热爱海岸和冲浪的人而言, 都是那么真实. 那时候, 我常去住家附近的HUNGTINGTON BEACH, 是世界冲浪圣地之一. 南加州海岸, 不觉间, 也是我的故乡之一了. 我好想念.
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作者: 梦冉     时间: 2008-9-10 02:26
A story/film review by Jesse Farsang.

About the Story

"There's a tragic turn in "In God's Hands," but sometimes reality is most chilling. Todd Chesser surfed in typically wild, radical fashion as a dead-ringer for George, and on a huge day in February of '97, he was supposed to be at Jaws, playing the George character as he attempts to paddle into (instead of being towed) a giant wave. Chesser didn't go to Maui that day. He stayed on Oahu and attempted to paddle into a 20-foot swell on the outer reefs near the Leftovers/Alligators area. He never came back. The swell quickly escalated to 25-plus, Chesser got mowed, and he drowned - somewhat mysteriously, along the lines of Mark Foo, because the exact cause could not be determined. But it was a death swell, for anyone attempting to paddle in on his own power, and it claimed one of the most respected surfers in the world.

I just thought I'd throw that in memory of Todd Chesser

Here's a comment by some film critic : (I agree that the movie itself sucks, but if you surf or have a love for the ocean or travelling, it's good. )

"The ocean waves have all the good lines as they rumble through an abysmally turgid and pretentious mess of quasi-documentary, tepid adventure, ponderous philosophising, unromantic romance, forced symbolism, bogus mysticism, and vapid travelogue. The thin, vague story thread has a bunch of surfers travelling the world together to ride the biggest waves, while engaging in relationships that don't have any dramatic value or point. The spectacular surfing footage has a definite sense of danger and beauty, but the characters are so non-existent and Zalman King's direction is so full of dreary, pompous esoterica that the film becomes a hollow, arty vacuum. None of the surfers seem to have the slightest acting talent, and King's fussy music video style does nothing to enhance any serious effort they might have made." -Dale Winogura

The story revolves around three surfers who are, in essence, searching for the 'ultimate' wave to ride on. That's basically to story. Very simplistic and dull to most people. Shane, 25, is good-looking, quiet, reserved, and considered by many to be the best surfer in the world. Like his two friends, he has adopted the raw intuition of a dreamer and traveller. Mickey, 30ish, is a very blunt, hard drinking, hard living kind of guy. He is constantly getting the three into trouble. Keoni, 17, is a spontaneous and emotional character. He hails from the spiritual surfing grounds of Hawaii. His will be a journey into manhood.

For me, I had the impression that this movie was just going to bluntly suck. 'Cause of the sh*tty reviews and the lame story line, I figured that it'll be another Point Break or something like a 'fake' surfing movie. I was wrong. I rented this movie out last night, and was supposed to watch it with a bunch of friends who eventually cancelled on me 'cause it was a school night kinda deal. Good thing though, 'cause I ended up watching it alone with some gummybears to keep me company (until they mysteriously disappeared!) and was so awe-struck by the scenery and cinematography, that I had to see it again. I called up Kris and zipped to his place just to watch it again and make a tape of it.

The things that really made this movie especially touch me in a certain way, was the familiarity and closeness I could feel with the lead character (Shane Dorian). As sickly dull and boring this may sound to most people reading this, I have always felt a certain longing to find myself in a place on this earth that is indescribable and unforgetful. If you click on the picture below, it抯 a very simplistic and short spurt of words that somewhat relate to the to way I feel about surfing and life in general.

know it may sound crazy to relate so closely to a 'fictional' character in a movie, but I can't help it. Shane's waaay better looking then me no doubt ! His surfing is so stylish and fluid that he's magical to watch. I've surfed with him and a few other pro's while in Baja last summer and let me tell you卼his guy is so humble and nice. It's pretty cool. I just can't help but see myself inside his character. Not the looks or surfing experience or travel experience, but the emotional and personality side of him. It may be hard to believe, but it's true. I know myself, and I always purely rely on my instincts for thoughts and direction.

Back to the movie and enuff about me. hehe

The first 1/4 of the movie, personally, didn't have to be there. It basically opens up with the three surfers on a beach in South Africa and Mickey's supposedly 'teaching' this native beautiful woman how to speak english. Ya right ! She turns out to be the daughter of a powerful drug/police guy and he tosses the three surfers in a very primitive jail. From then on, the story unfolds as a writer/photographer follows the three surfers on their epic journey.

The movie is worth watching just for the scenery and cultural aspects of the different countries they visit. The surf is purely amazing. I've never seen anything like the footage they have captured. Truly spellbinding. The thing that rocks about this movie, is that all the actors are the 'real' surfers. They do their own stunts and surfing which is almost unheard of in today's movies.

You can tell that Shane really stands out from the other surfers when he's gliding across the face of the waves. His style just rocks so much that it's trancient. They travel from South Africa to Madagascar to Bali(Indonesia) to Hawaii and then Shane journey's to Todos Santos Islands in Baja, Mexico.

The music really flows smoothly throughout the movie. There is a lot of music and sound that really shapes the feeling and essence of the film. It ranges from soft almost Sarah McLachlan kinda style, all the way to hard-core techno/grunge NineInchNails kinda music. Very diverse and very tasteful.

Just the surfing alone will blow anyone's mind away. The wipe-out sequences are scary as hell, considering they are REAL!. Click on the picture below to see a few clips of the new-school, bigwave surfing.

All in all, I would recommend this movie to everyone. I really enjoyed it, and it made me think of the way I view life in general and it was refreshing.

The movie starts out pretty cheezy, but trust me. After the first 30mins, it gets good. If you don't like it, I'll buy you a beer or something ! ....heheh ;o)

It only costs $4 or something like that the rent so please do it and tell me what you think. It should be out in most places now.

If you really want to see both of the clips (above) and the most wicked shots ever, click on the pic below. Trust me, it's worth the 9.5Meg download! This is the official movie trailer and if you don't see this and like it, then I'll eat some surfwax! ..hehe
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作者: 更其     时间: 2008-9-10 03:54


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