谢谢况也夸奖,不过你也甭谦虚啦, 我么,大才谈不上,老爸早就给我下了结论,靠点小聪明过日子,真是知女莫如父啊,呵呵。。。。作者: 兰若 时间: 2006-5-15 12:55 又看了一遍你的回贴,听不成?是没法下载么?不会啊,,我都试过的,,,不行就再百度或搜刮一下。。。我就奇怪网上怎么就找不着MP3呢?作者: 梦文 时间: 2006-5-16 01:00 你贴的这篇teenspirit的文章很好。 你贴的第一首歌很好听。很喜欢。其他的几首我也没法听或下载。我把你贴在CND的那首诗“似乎--写给窦唯”和我的翻译转贴过来,放到这里会比较好。Pardon me for the long sentences
- by 兰若
There seems to be a bit of wave, this bit of wave makes an onlooker feel lonely;
There seems to be a river of water, this river of water takes away sunshine.
You see them, standing by the river and smiling
Not minding how ice-cold the river water used to be
Not minding how long themselves being standing
A river of water can banish sunshine
I seem, to hear your singing.
Sometimes you silently,
Watch the river water spattering onto your body
Sometimes, you shake a bit your clothes
Causing some scars to drop out
As if a variegated shadow buried in the earth
They thus picture like this, and again picture like this.
They're still drinking water by the river, smiling.
Everything seems to be safe without a scratch,
The sunlight's getting-away is just like what the legend says,
They seem to have gotten used to
Having only one flower blossoming,
They say, this isn't actually spring