19、I began to feel very uncomfortable since the first time I read that LaoSan had to sleep out door sometime. Jin Qiu might be scared of her mom so that she could not do anything about it. But when her mom knew that Lao San would sleep out door that day, her mom didn't do anything either. I don't mean to say any bad word about Jin Qiu and her mom. But other one's child is a child too. How could they not do anything about it? I has been hesitating for long time about if I should bring this question up. I am sorry ...
20、did JQ's mom regret that her strictness caused her daughter's unhappiness for 9 years (33-24)? i'd guess if JQ's mom had said 'yes' to their relationship at the first place and LS and JQ were together, they would've been able to get married and have kid(s).
同班的人都是各中学的英语老师,他们英语都很好,而我连“MAY I COME IN?”都不会说。八中跟文教局隔着一道河,我还要在学校给学生上课,所以每次赶过去就迟到了。每次迟到我就从后门溜进去,因为不会说那句话。考试的时候也看不懂英语写的题目要求,记得有次把回答问题做成了汉译英,正在为自己的译笔沾沾自喜的时候,被监考老师发现,好心提醒了一下,才知道题目要求。(笑)