移民美国之初,为了不依靠还在读博的太太,我拼命找工作。当时只有一个想法,哪怕能带一个铜板进家门,腰杆也硬一些。我在国内是英语副教授,当然希望找到一个对口的工作,不过一个没有TESOL学位,或者博士学位的老中在美国教英语,这简直是奢望。我的第一份工作,是到家门口的 Jack in the Box 当打杂的。一大早起来要去那里换榨东西的油,开门了以后每隔二十来分钟要打扫一次厕所。我去了几天以后,发誓以后绝对不吃美国快餐。太太见到我这个前副教授肯屈尊干这等活,非常感动,说这说明你是多么诚心地要帮衬我。不过,我并没有因为太太的夸奖而感觉有多么自豪。
1. What animal is it?
2. Do you like to have such an animal near your house? Why?
3. Can this animal be a pet?
4. Does it bite people?
5. What should you do when you see one near you?
第二次试讲,美杜莎当然旁听。学生们看到照片,反应倒是很热烈。他们为这是公猫还是母狮子争论不休,最后还是让我镇压下去。何塞说,I want this animal cerca de mi casa! 我说,No,no,no ,Jose,no es “cerca de mi case”,pero NEAR MY HOME。Class: repeat after me: I want this animal near my home! 班上一个新移民的孩子王大年说,老师,你的照片不对,puma 是一种马,puma is a horse。听到这个,学生们都笑了,齐声喊道:Puma is China horse!Puma is China horse! 王大年不知道他们为什么笑,急赤白脸地说,puma 就是马嘛。你看我这夹克,不是印着puma 彪马牌吗?我说,你上了国内厂商的当了。你看那彪马的图案,分明是猫科动物嘛。那为什么叫彪马?王大年不甘心地问。这下好了,问到我的专业了。我便把商标音译和选字的道理给他讲了一遍,听得他入坠五里云雾之中。
下课以后,美杜莎绷着脸跟我说,你在导入的时候有重大错误。第一,你不应该当堂纠正错误,中断学生的口语交流。第二,你不应该用西班牙语。我们这里要求全部使用目标语言。第三是你不应该纠缠在那个中国孩子的问题上。我说,不纠正错误怎么学语言。美杜莎说,你外行了吧。这是最新的language acquisition 理论。小孩子学语言都要经过一个中间阶段,这个中间阶段的错误以后会自动纠正。我心里想,好像不是指 cerca de mi casa 那样的错误吧, 但是我还是说 Ay ay Sir。美杜莎不解地看着我。我赶紧改口说Ay si si。
Divide the class into groups of five students. Each student is given a role card with new words. Students act out a mini drama about a puma at large being found lurching near a village. After one round of acting,students change roles and continue. Finally,selected group will present their show to the class.
我按照计划分了组,学生们就说起来了,有的还夹杂着母语。我像警察似的来回巡视,不停地喊:in English! in English! 时间过得很快。最后十分钟,我命令大家停止,叫了王大年的小组示范。王大年当彪马。这小子估计淘惯了,一点也不怯场,弓着腰走着猫步,两只手一抓一抓地走到教室前头说:I am a puma. I from America comes. I like a cat. I now free. I want eat deer and rabbit. 何塞接着说: this hour we have news. People spot puma large. People saw paw print,saw fur,much disturbing. Expert this hour investigate. 一个女生叫玛丽亚的当记者:this hour we at village. I interview this woman. Later I interview zoo expert. Woman,what you see? 第二个女孩说:I pick blackberry,see cat,large,this cat,large,come me. I saw it,it immediately run. 玛丽亚转身对另外一个男孩:you zoo expert,what you say this cat? This cat is puma? 男孩子说:yes, is puma. pero no get afraid. Puma no attack people. Puma attack only in corner. Corner of house,you see? Puma it attack deer,no people in yard. Puma evening come,so no out on evening.
下一次该讲语言点和语法了。这课书的重点语法是被动语态,而且是一种特殊的被动句型,就是 n be v-en to v 或者 n be v-en v-ing。另外学生要学一些短语动词,比如to be in possession of ,to complain of,to feel obliged do sth。这些都不能仅仅讲解示范一下就算了,得做活动,最大限度调动起广大学生的参与。
当然,理想的情况是,乙说甲 is in possession of something. 丙说乙 complains of 甲being in possession of something. 丁听见了就说他feel obliged to 请甲把东西拿出来给大家分享。
1. A puma ( was reported to have escaped) from the zoo.
2. John (was seen wearing )a white T-shirt and blue pants.
3. Paw prints (were found to belong to) a puma at large.
4. The woman (was heard saying )she had saw a cat-like animal in her yard.