陈德华明白,这一切都是他自己的错,而不是王守伦的错。他的权势是王守伦给的,他就应该忠于王守伦。只要他忠于王守伦,他即使是杀人放火,即使是搞了一百个女人,王守伦也会庇护他,也会让他稳坐主任管理员的交椅。可是,他却让自己手中的权势冲昏了头脑,飞扬跋扈,忘乎所以,在无意之中搞上了王守伦的好几个相好,犯下了不忠不义的大罪。他认为,王守伦即使毙了他也是应该的。他只是后悔自己做事不慎,连累了老婆和孩子。他知道,从此以后,他的老婆和孩子也要像玫瑰坝人民公社里的多数社员一样,靠“革命汤”度日,面临饿死的威胁。作者: 杜欣欣 时间: 2006-7-4 15:40 pbxie ,你好。廖康正在回国路上,正在读你的大作,他告诉我读得津津有味,已经读了200页。特告。作者: pbxie 时间: 2006-7-4 17:28 谢谢杜欣欣传话。谢谢廖康喜欢拙作,还特地传话回来。作者: 廖康 时间: 2006-7-12 08:50 Thank you, Xie. It's a great novel in the sense that it deals with the "original sin" of the CCP from our perspective. I had not seen any novel like this and I wished some day I would write one like it. Now you have far exceeded my expectation. I certainly will write a review of your masterpiece and I only wish my review would do you justice.作者: pbxie 时间: 2006-7-12 09:20 廖康兄过奖。以前没有写过小说,一时心血来潮,胡写乱画了一通,也没有个章法。廖兄没有见笑,还说了这么多鼓励的话,非常感激。作者: fancao 时间: 2006-7-12 09:23 廖康能上来?路上好吧?旅途愉快。作者: 余立蒙 时间: 2006-7-12 15:12 >>
Fancao: Thank you. My trip has been wonderful so far.
"之儿" means here. Xie has a list of the Yunnan dialect words at the beginning of the novel. My hometown is Chengdu, Sichuan. I understand most of the dialect without checking the list.