作者: 冬雪儿 时间: 2014-9-16 20:53 注释:
①Qtd. in Carolyn Allen, Following Djuna: Women Lovers and the Erotics of Loss, Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1996, p. 4.
②See Daniela Caselli, Improper Modernism: Djuna Barnes's Bewildering Corpus, Surrey: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2009, pp.152-190.
③Qtd. in Walter Benjamin, "Surrealism: The Last Snapshot of the European Intelligentsia", in One-Way Street and Other Writings, trans. Edmund Jephcott and Kinsley Shorter, NLB, 1979, p.229.后文出自同一文章的引文,将随文在括号内标出该文名称首词和引文出处页码,不另作注。
④Dianne Chisholm, "Obscene Modernism: Eros Noir and the Profane Illumination of Djuna Barnes", in American Literature, 69(1997), p.172.
⑤Dianne Chisholm, "Obscene Modernism", p. 181
⑥Djuna Barnes, Nightwood, Faber and Faber Limited, 1950, p.47.后文出自同一著作的引文,将随文在括号内标出该著名称和引文出处页码,不另作注。
⑦Michel de Certeau, The Practice of Everyday Life, trans. Steven F. Rendall, Berkeley/Los Angeles/London: University of California Press, 1984, p.95.
⑧See Deborah Parsons, Djuna Barnes, Northcote House Publishers Ltd, Horndon, Tavistock, Devon, 2003, p.73.
⑨See Jane Marcus, "Laughing at Leviticus: Nightwood as Woman's Circus Epic", in Mary Lynn Broe ed., Silence and Power: A Reevaluation of Djuna Barnes, Carbondale: Soutoern Illinois University, 1991, p.225.
⑩冉森教义(Jansenist theory)是17世纪罗马天主教运动,由康内留斯·奥图·冉森(Cornelius Otto Jansen, 1585-1638)创立。其理论强调原罪、人类的全然败坏、恩典的必要和宿命论。
(14)Richard Wolin, Walter Benjamin: An Aesthetic of Redemption, University of California Press, 1994, p.130。
(16)See Diuna Barnes, Nightwood, p. 30.
(21)Walter Benjamin, Das Passagen Werk, GS5.1, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1982, p.573.
(22)James Joyce, Ulysses, Vintage Books, 1986, p.437.
(23)See Deborah Parsons, Djuna Barnes, p.64.
(24)Julie Abraham, "'Woman,Remember You': Djuna Barnes and History", in Mary Lyan Broe, ed.,Silence and Power: A Reevaluation of Djuna Barnes, p. 253.