作者: weili 时间: 2007-3-12 11:25 "帝国极盛时,其领土东迄高加索和波斯湾,南抵非洲内地,西达非洲摩洛哥,北迄奥地利边界直到俄国境内,囊括今欧、亚、非近40个国家和地区的土地,领土面积约600多万平方公里。”作者: 鹿希 时间: 2007-3-12 14:13 Why 奥斯曼 not 奥托曼 (Ottoman) ?作者: thesunlover 时间: 2007-3-12 14:36 The Ottoman dynasty is known in Turkish as Osmanlı, meaning "House of Osman"......
Pre-imperial heads of the House
Süleyman Shah (-1227) (bey)
Ertugrul (1227-1281) (bey)
Imperial heads of the House Osman I (1281–1326) (bey)
ZT from "Ottoman Dynasty", Wikipedia Encyclopedia
So the title of Ottoman dynasty initially came from its first emperor Osman I.