李约瑟本来是一个英国生物化学家,37岁那年(1936年),他认识了来到他所在实验室工作的中国女留学生鲁桂珍(后来成为了他的妻子),在她的影响下,或者说诱导下(李约瑟自己也坦承了这一点),李约瑟开始对中国产生了兴趣,并以37岁的年龄开始学习中文,并且非常可笑地一开始就以学习对于受过高等教育的中国人来说都算是晦涩难懂的先秦著作《管子》作为起点。然后开始“研究”中国古代“科学史”,并于1942年应邀到中国“工作访问”了四年。数年之后,就炮制出了煌煌几大册《Science and Civilisation in China 》(中译《中国科学技术史》)。出于一种猎奇的心态,书中牵强附会地“考证”出了很多神奇的中国古代“科学发明发现”,如古代的“机器人”(实际上是木偶),古代的“直升飞机”(竹蜻蜓),古代的“化学武器”,四大发明,等等。
而作为发射药使用的Gunpowder,分为black powder(黑火药)和smokeless powder(无烟火药),这是两种完全不同的东西,smokeless powder(无烟火药)属于我上面所说的黄火药系统,这是websters大辞典上的说明:【Gunpowder is an explosive substance, used as a propellant for firearms. There are two types, "black powder" and "smokeless powder." Almost all modern guns use smokeless powder.】─ 可以看出,近现代枪炮中使用的基本上都是无烟火药,而不是黑火药。
Smokeless powder(无烟火药)又称为cordite【A smokeless explosive powder consisting of nitrocellulose, nitroglycerin, and petrolatum that has been dissolved in acetone, dried, and extruded in cords.】(无烟线状火药,一种无烟炸药,由硝化纤维素、硝化甘油和凡士林组成,在丙酮中溶解,风干并压成绳状),属于double base powder(硝化甘油与硝化纤维双基火药),是跟黑火药完全不同的东西。
而根据Websters大辞典上的解释:【Greek Fire: A composition of nitre, sulphur, and naphtha. Tow steeped in the mixture was hurled in a blazing state through tubes, or tied to arrows. The invention is ascribed to Callinicos, of Heliopolis, A.D. 668.】─ 可以看出,这是明确说明了希腊火药是含有nitre(硝)的。
Websters大辞典上讲述纸的历史就是从纸草纸开始叙述的:【History, A form of paper called papyrus, made from reedss, was made as early as 3000 BC in ancient Egypt, and then in ancient Greece and ancient Rome.】─ 可见,国际上认为纸草纸是最早的纸。
这是Websters大辞典上对“纸”的权威解释:【Paper is a thin, flat material produced by the compression of fibres. The fibres used are usually natural and based upon cellulose. The most common material is wood pulp from softwood trees such as pines, but other materials including cotton (flax) and hemp may be used.】─ 可见,纸草纸就是符合这几个特征的,就是真正的纸。