1. As idle as a painted ship / Upon a painted ocean 像画中大海上一条画着的船一动不动
2. There was a secret meanness that clung to him almost like a smell 他身上隐隐约约透着一丝小气,几乎就像那赶不走的体味
3. He was like a cock who though the sun had risen to hear him crow.。他像一只自以为太阳升起来是为了听他歌唱的公鸡。
4. To release the energy of stores of atoms by bombarding with sub-atomic particles is like shooting birds in the dark in a country where there are very few birds. 用亚原子粒子轰击原子以释放能量就像在没有几只鸟的地方摸黑打鸟一样。
5. Her lock were yellow as gold 她的头发色如黄金。
6. At last he felt a ray of hope 他终于感到一线希望。
7. Assad earlier said that Camp David was “the final striptease” in which the Israelis “won’t even leave Sadat with a fig leaf” 阿萨德早些时候说, 戴维营会议是 “最后一场脱衣舞”。那个时候,以色列“甚至不会让萨达特留一块遮羞布在身上。”
一些已经成为掼用语的英文比喻都可以找到等值的汉语比喻:as cold as ice 冰冷; as cunning as a fox 像狐狸一样狡猾;as strong as an ox 壮得像条牛; as white as snow 雪白。
8.Sensitive. That killed me. That guy Morrow was about as sensitive as a goddam toilet seat. 敏感? 别要我命了。 莫罗那小子的敏感就和他妈的马桶座差不多。
9.Compared to the sleek lines of the high-speed destroyers, those “greyhounds of the sea”, she is an overlump mutt. But if destroyers are greyhounds, this thing is lightning.
19.All hands on deck. 全体船员甲板上集合。
20.He paid the workers $5 per head. 他给工人们每人付了五美元。
21.Yet there are some stout hearts who attempted resistance.. 可是仍有一些英勇顽强的人试图抵抗。
22. There wasn’t a sail in sight. 一只船也看不见。
23. They were short of hands at harvest time. 他们收割时人手不够。
24. The kettle is boiling . 壶开了。
25. After dinner they usually have a glass or two. 他们饭后总要来上一两杯。
汉译英的情况亦然, 以诗歌语言为多:
26.沉舟侧畔千帆过。Thousands of sails pass by a wrecked ship.
E. 委婉
(1) 绝对直译中的移植翻译类:
past one’s prime 壮年已过; go to the bathroom 去洗手间; go to the powderroom 去化妆间; sub-standard housing 亚标准住宅; police action 警察行动;strategic village 战略村; the disadvantaged, 弱势群体
to pass away, to depart 去了,走了,离开了;to go to sleep 长眠; to go to heaven 上天堂了; weight-catcher 增加了体重的人;beautician 美发师; pre-emptive action 先发制人的行动;phased withdrawal 有步骤撤退;a slow learner, under achiever 学得慢的学生,成绩不太好的学生;laid-off personnel 闲置人员
指疯子:not all there; soft in mine; of unsound mind; simple minded 神经有毛病;* 心不在焉;* 心智疲软;* 头脑简单
指厕所: gents; the john; water closet; ladies; Mrs. Jones 一号, 茅房,* 绅士间;*约翰房;*淑女间
指没钱:out of pocket; hard up; in reduced circumstances; badly off 钱紧;手头紧;财政状况不佳; ?口袋空了;?难起来了; * 处于紧缩状态;
getting on in years 岁数大了; on relief 享受(失业)补助; the have-nots 家徒四壁的人; day-help 钟点工
feeling one’s age; the second childhood 老了;* 感到岁数了;* 开始第二个童年;*返老还童; senior citizens 老人; * 年长公民; lay off; ease out; give the walking; ticket 解雇;*搁置一边; *开走人的票;in difficulties; in embarrassing obligation to 欠债;欠某人的债; *在困难中; *对某人承担令人尴尬的义务; the underprivileged 穷人; *无特权的人;domestic help; day-help; live-in help 女仆,佣人; * 家务助手;*白天助手; *住家助手
28. My only love sprung from my only hate
Too early seen unknown, and known too late!
Prodigious birth of love it is to me
That I must love a loathed enemy
32.Dirty British coaster with a salt-caked smoke-stack
Butting through the channel in the mad March days
With a cargo of tyne coal
Road-rail, pig lead
Firewood, iron-ware, and cheap tin trays
语音象征的更普遍的现象应该是同一种语音不一定一起相同的联想。李清照的《声声慢》中的 “寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨凄凄” 一句被译为:I seek but seek in vain, I search and search again: I feel so sad, so drear, so lonely, without cheer. 译者认为这里四对短音 [ i ] 和 两对长音 [ i: ] 多少传达了原文的音美。但是李清照的词里的舌齿音交叠,体现了一种郁闷的心情,英文里的这两个音,有没有这种修辞效果很难说。翻译,特别是诗歌翻译,要传达原文的音美,但是是否就应该到如此程度,值得商榷。
33. Taft had set up headquarters with the confident phone number ME=1940. 塔夫脱建立了他的竞选总部,信心十足地选用了ME-1940 作他的电话号码,表示1940年舍我莫属的意思。
K. 一语双叙和轭式搭配
可以真正称为修辞手段的一语双叙和轭式搭配只是一词两用的那一种, 即在同一句子中,一个词语修饰或者统辖两个或两个以上的词,在不同的意义上支配它们。这其实和双关语差不多, 所以也是不可以直译的。如果把两种意思用不同的词翻译出来,辞义和辞式就丧失了。此外,在汉语里,轭式搭配一般需要重复动词:“他这个人不但卖东西,还卖关子”。这样,在翻译英语的轭式搭配中,如果支配词的两个意思可以用一个汉语词表达,也不能紧随原文的 VO and O和 Prep O and O形式:
34. Clothes that fit the man and the times 既合体又合潮流的衣服
35. …old people gathering in the social hall for comradeship and a hot lunch 老人们共聚一堂,共叙友情,共进午餐。
36. I was no end pleased with her response to my question. 对于她对我的问题的答复我感到无比满意。(无边改成无比)
M. 含蓄陈述
同夸张一样,含蓄陈述一般可以直译, 但是要注意准确选择词语的口气:
37. “Money,” she says with a quiet understatement, “is kind of tight. But I manage.” “钱么,”她轻描淡写地说,“是有点紧。不过我能对付。”
38. “Please, Neely,” Anne begged. She knew Miss Steinberg and the girls were staring, but her worst fear materialized when Lyon Burke opened his door. She smiled at him weakly as he came over and stared at the shrieking Neely. “This is Neely. She’s a little upset.” “I’d say that was a classic understatement.” “好了,妮莉,”安劝道。她知道史坦伯小姐和别的姑娘们在看她们。可是她最害怕的事还是发生了。李昂-伯克打开了他房间的门。当他走过来盯着哭闹中的妮莉时,安冲他勉强一笑:“这是妮利。她情绪有点不稳定。”“我倒想说,你真会说轻巧话啊。”
41. I. hope it is no cynical asperity not to confess obligations where no benefit has been received, or to be unwilling that the public should consider me as owing that to a patron, which providence has enabled me to do for myself…
译文一:既然没有受到恩惠, 于是就拒绝表示感激,或者不情愿天意成全我完成的事情被人以为是某个赞助人的功劳,我希望这算不上是无情无理的举动。
44.If the economy stays down, can the conservative stay up?
这里译文二用“低迷不振”与“趾高气扬”对比, 更好地传达出了原文的 down 和up 的对立。
45. People who value their privileges above their principles soon lose both.
这句是警句, 译文二和三做到了语言凝炼上口。
46. Fighting was his element, and he fought with a passion, a tenacity and a success such as few could rival… And he died beloved, revered and mourned by millions of revolutionary fellow workers.—from the mines of Siberia to California, in all parts of Europe and America.
49. Dawn came as a relief, with a gesture of coolness, and we tumbled out of bed, almost sick with excitement. 黎明终于来临, 带来一丝凉爽,我们从床上爬起来,兴奋得无以复加。
50. I am willing to pay slightly higher taxes for the privilege of living in Canada, considering the free health care, the cheap tuition fees, the low crime rate, the comprehensive social programs, and the wonderful winters. 我宁愿为了生活在加拿大能享有的福利而多付一点税,因为那里医疗免费,学费低廉,犯罪率低, 还有广泛的社会服务项目。
52. When I read the several dates of the tombs—of some that died yesterday, and some six hundred years ago --- I consider that great day when we shall all of us be contemporaries, and make out appearance together. 当我读着墓碑上的一些日期 --- 有的死于昨天,有的死于六百年前 --- 的时候,我想到了未来的那一天。那时候我们所有的人都将成为同时代的人,都将一同出现在这里。
53. She sat at the window watching the evening invade the avenue. Her head was leaned against the window curtains and in her nostrils was the odor of dusty cretonne. She was tired. 她坐在窗户边看着黄昏降临街道。她的头靠着窗帘,鼻孔里都是布满灰尘的窗帘布的味道。她累了。
这里不可以把“她的头靠着窗帘”译成 “她把头靠着窗帘”,因为那不是她的主观行动。
54. They walked on, without knowing in what direction. There was too much to be thought, and felt, and said, for attention to any other objects. 他们继续走着,不知道走向哪里。 该想的, 该体会的,该说得太多了,他们不可能再注意别的什么。
55.The cot the man lay on was in the wide shade of a mimosa tree and as he looked out past the shade on to the glare of the plain there were three of the big birds squatted obscenely, while in the sky a dozen more sailed, making quick-moving shadows as they passed.
56. Under the temporary pressure of pecuniary liabilities, contracted with a view to their immediate liquidation, but remaining unliquidated through a combination of circumstances, I have been under the necessity of assuming a garb from which my natural instincts recoil - I allude to spectacles - and possessing myself of a cognomen, to which I can establish no legitimate pretensions. All I have to say on that score is, that the cloud has passed from the dreary scene, and the God of Day is once more high upon the mountain tops. On Monday next, on the arrival of the four o'clock afternoon coach at Canterbury, my foot will be on my native heath - my name, Micawber!'