“引语”之一是海德格尔《形而上学导论》中译本里的一句话,说俄狄浦斯“戳瞎双眼,是让自己走进光明”。海氏原文却是:dass er sich selbst die Augen aussticht, d.h. sich aus allem Licht herausstellt (他自行刺瞎双眼,即把自己置身于所有的光之外)。这里的意思和《看路》所引的正好相反:俄狄浦斯是走出而不是走入光明,是抽身于光与见的维度,而不是进入大彻大悟的全知境界。在海德格尔看来,《俄》剧所表现的是真与假的冲突,俄狄浦斯从显扬到毁灭乃是虚像(蔽)和真(无蔽)较量消长的过程。俄狄浦斯代表着求真的力量,不惜代价,不计后果,一步一步由“蔽”而走向“去蔽”,最后只有弄瞎眼睛,才能承受得了“无蔽”的光芒。
“引语”之二是该译本中海德格尔援引荷尔德林所说的“俄狄浦斯王也许是多了一只眼睛”。原文为:Der Koenig Oedipus hat ein Auge zuviel vielleicht (俄狄浦斯王也许是多一只眼睛)。值得注意的是,荷尔德林说的是“多一只眼睛”,而不是“多了一只眼睛”:这“多”是指比常人多,并非比过去多。
Die Darstellung des Tragischen beruht vorzueglich darauf, dass das Ungeheure, wie der Gott und Mensch sich paart, und graenzenlos die Naturmacht und des Menschen Innerstes im Zorn Eins wird, dadurch sich begreift, dass das graenzenlose Eineswerden durch graenzenloses Scheiden sich reiniget.
《看路》一开篇就批评“现代人对古典思想的‘随意’态度”,认为只有杜绝随意,才能返回“古希腊源头”。的确,一个常常困扰学术的现象,就是抛开文本的背景和语境,“鸡啄米”般地采证而轻下结论。杜绝随意,这不单是理解西方古典思想、也是求知问学的根本前提。西学东渐,泥沙俱下,倘以只见所欲、不及其余的点击态度寻章摘句,恐怕没有什么论点是不能自圆其说的。在每被人冠之以“后现代”的今天,随口立论、信手拈证的风气,已有相当大的市场。随意性流风所及,连批评随意性之士或亦未能免焉。杜绝随意之难,可见一斑。作者: 海外逸士 时间: 2011-9-8 08:40 On Odipus
Poor Odipus, a scapegoat he was! Accused of three great crimes, he suffered a terrible tragic death ----a punishment inflicted on him by the gods on Olympus. When he learned his fate decided by the almighty gods to kill his father, marry his mother and bring destruction on his native city, he wished to escape from it. But destiny was unavoidable,and unawares he fulfilled the assigned tasks. If the gods had decided his fate otherwise, he would not have been a criminal, receiving an unjust punishment and bearing an ill-fame for thousands of years. He was only an executor of the wills of the gods who, struck perhaps with a whimsical fantasy, played a practical joke on the helpless mortal. The gods were the plotters. Who then deserved the punishment? The gods on Olympus rather than poor Odipus!