声音已经不响 This sound that is no sound at all
故事早已不讲 This story there is no need to tell
泪水不再流淌 These tears that are no more to fall
此心无居隐藏 This heart that has nowhere to dwell
原谅我话语遁去 Forgive me being silent
忘却我刺耳多余 Forget me being strident
长守希望有关爱 For all time, keep hope and have care
永远含笑温柔一曲 Forever, gently sing with content
主持,还记得我的“土干作坊,请勿点击”吗?如今都上500了,网友就是这样不听话。“土干作坊”永远空着,它是我转换文件的地方。《伊甸春秋》不会空的,尽快完成。作者: 三川 时间: 2007-11-5 15:19 ti作者: 海外逸士 时间: 2007-11-6 17:31 some lines in the English version are not what the Chinese original means.