1/3 苏幕遮?年假休完上班有感
Beauties generate sadness
Fair faces generate sorrow
None however are rejectable
Young hearts’re easily trapped
Old ones to confusion susceptible
Fresh lotus flower
Graceful in water
How not they make people admire
By the vast lotus pond
I recall the Yangtze delta
That lone trip on a wood boat I lament
On Grand Canal in the prime of my age
Back in those years I spent
A night in a Su-Hang voyage
I shared a cabin with a beauty
For a miserable speechless night
At dawn we got off the boat
The chance of dating in flight
Now in reminiscence
She is nowhere in sight
1/17 浣溪沙 ? 风雨飘摇旧历年
无意空堂孤守岁,有心淑女共凭阑。 蛾眉笑靥梦中颜。
Luna New Year comes in wind and rain
Nightly cold reigns on this side of the ocean
Dim light, cold pillow and dripping roof rain
Keeping zero hour alone I’ve no intention
Leaning on the rail I wish to with fair companion
Only in dreams see I her smiling expression
1/21 就冠状肺炎病毒事活剥崔颢《黄鹤楼》
当初只报香江走, 现在零星布九州。百步亭前犹聚宴, 江城鄂佬不言愁。
2/2 盼武汉疫情早住
Coronavirus does know its time
At winter’s waning days to seek a kill
The virus invades bodies, weak or prime
Causing a plaque in silence and still
No gathering on the Eve of New Year
Still empty are cities towards the end
When will the torture be done and over,
Yellow Crane returns to the native land?
*Crane, yellow crane, a legendary bird that carried an immortal leaving Wuhan
2/6 闻李文亮医生殉职
叹错年庚,话无言,三观更难知探。北南殊域,海天悬隔, 真个,爱恨无缘构建,相逢总是言生。似星辰,天间各飘各行。
I have no mood to peep at the beauty
Her peachy face seems pretty icy
I resent her soul-snatching smile
She moves and her fragrance lingers awhile
Like a breeze through the pavilion rails
I have no excuse her silk to trade
I can’t fall asleep until very late
And in the small hours up I often wake
I sigh for our miss-matched ages
Her world view I can’t detect by words
The south and the north stand far apart
Betwixt ocean’nd sky there’s much distance
It’s really impossible to build up love or hate
Even seen often she won’t be an acquaintance
Like stars we drift in the sky and never date
Crossing each other we’re speechless
I lament the zero relation between us
Though we serve the same government
I wonder if I can invite you for gourmet
We are both flying feathers away from home
Why can’t we gossip over drinks and a tome
All I hope for is a lady friend
How this gap between us I resent
I live alone in this alien land as an alien
It’s hard to melt into the stream called main
A wide gap exists between things Chinese and Foreign
I know their language well, but in vain
A lock hangs many years over my heart chamber
That gathers dust and has spider webs all over
Occasionally I harbor the luxury wish
That a lady of mercy could ferry me like a fish
It’s hard to find companion in the Other
It should be someone from the Tang culture
But who the hell can understand what I desire?
3/6 玉楼春-幽怨如潮
3/19 2019新冠大疫
3/21 七律
3/27 眼儿媚· 淫雨频来黯心情
3/31 采桑子 ? 封城之怨
Nowhere for a leisure tour in locking down
Veranda empty, spring blossoms gone
Alone I lean on the rails in ocean breeze blown
When this siege ends it’s hard to tell
Rain in summer, crickets in the fall
Geese of the north, those to the south
Of their insensitivity I resent all
Self-imprisoned during pandemic
We do all online.
Smiles and laughters’re all on the screen
It’s cold if we want to touch the scene.
Though it’s like undercover job
There’s no danger or surprise
All we feel is boredness
How can’t I a fair lady miss?
4/27 南歌子
A yard in quiet night of the waning spring
A time when summer begins much blooming
To whom can I report all those rich colors
Out of sight, out of mind, the appearance of hers
Browsing the beach in breeze in the evening
Facing the brilliance of morning sun rising
Once a figure on bench watched the low tides
Now only scented grass presents desolate sights
Looking at fine plants from the window
In the morning light. I see agave and cactus growing high
Weeds in the garden are left free to grow
Dill plants complete to reach to the sky
Lonely am I
Sadder is my dream
I exhaust my sorrowful mind to write a poem
Done, but which beauty to give to?
I open the window to hear the cuckoo
Waking from dreams at daybreak
I see life cut by some length
Cruelly turns the wheel of time
How long, to be in your presence?
后午夕阳,可劲无情暴晒。落窗帘, 如锅盖,遮阳光。
Late afternoon sun
Shines mercilessly
Window curtains draping down
Like the lid of a wok
Blocks the sun
Rich guys do not rent west and south-facing houses
I lived in one of them when a child
A lazy me has ignored my Taiji sword long
For work I still to the Presidio march on
From buildings I watch the white waves of the sea
From sand beaches I hear them as well as the seals
On Soldier Field, a parade of troops I can see
Years passed by as fast as an arrow
Surprising how much white hair I grow
Too many vexing thoughts in my mind
I doubt I’m a man of scholastic kind
In life I’ve been but a man blind
The dreams I had I still remember
Chaotic events in large number
Is it an omen I wonder
The dream world is different
A new day upon waking up
I’d rather be in perpetual sleep
Having a good dream to keep
My neighbor has a tree full of lemon
My yard is full of weeds there to be seen
A day’s hard work exhausts my poor body
The ground is covered with branches broken
After class I weed my yard with a hoe
At night I write poems, head on the pillow
My life into twilight, what is my wish?
Simply not being a burdened fellow
5/15 一剪梅
万事皆休为保生,彼此防范,相互疏盟。 欢歌笑语网中看,鸡犬相闻,屏幕如冰。
Rolling in the sky to darken the sun
Blacken clouds surge when it’s the eve
Why does Zeus change his course to run
I’ll see how much rain we’ll receive
Covid 19 is still alive entering the summer
No mood for nothing, my days are like dead water
Here and there I go like a ghost
The world in my eye is a fake most
From one country the calamity spread worldwide
Puppets sang on stage when cauldrons flied
All will be ruined when fire and smoke disappear
Who will cry and shed some unnamable tear
7/6 浣溪沙?斯人渐远
Sheltering in place my heart grows empty
This person’s faded out in my memory
Surprised that her name on screen puzzled me
No way I can send a care-laden greeting
The visage of old time has turned dusty
The fragrance of fallen spring flowers escaped me
I come to the lake when the sun sets down
Many lights of houses are reflected in the pond
Along the bank I watch people playing chess
The sounds of oars linger in the surrounding trees
A pity that here I cannot hold delicate hands
Sadness surges at thought of severed lands
Now my hairs are in such a great disorder
As fallen flowers float in the green water
8/8 修改旧诗
目临气尽方呈锐,人至途穷才事昭。何处大观园址在, 座中泪洒为谁飘。
Alone in other’s land what’s the use of talent and beauty?
With fallen flowers is buried a miss pretty in extremity
Merciless cold rains attack incessantly the weakened trees
With kindness and care, a nightingale protects the only seed
Eyes turn sharp at the moment of the last expiration
Men grow wise when reaching the place of no return
Where, now, can I find this Garden of Grand View?
There she sits, but for whom do her tears flow?
虞美人 2015作,2020改, 九月翻译再改
Blooming season over this year
How many fallen petals are there?
Winds in autumn blow leaves like drifting sand
In my dream, looms vague my native land
Old acquaintances should still be there
But changes in the face do appear.
In old age I ask myself where to stay
Sorrows render my hair in mirror sadly grey
Voiceless rooms, withered flowers yard.
Long shelter in place makes life hard
Where’s the beauty I say?
Not for me anyway
Out of sight, out of mind day by day
The journey home to return
Is blocked by Covid-19
Much more the government wants to restrain
In the rest of my life in view
I’m maybe unable to go
Across the ocean, my tears flow
A crazy old man wants to imitate teenagers
He loves not beards but yellow brow stickers
Only to find there’s lot to learn facing mirrors
He pities the young girls at their dressers
On Presidio the eagle monument stands high
Down below desolate Monterey Bay does lie
Walls of clouds seen in the vast sky
Gracefully gulls fly
The silver sand is washed by the slow waves of tide
In weeds before the eyes historical sites hide
In breezes are not heard cavalries galloping by
Strong horses and long rifles of past did die
Enemies to fight
How many times the canons did soldiers light?
Deep at night as winter began I made
The dough, the wrappers and the filling.
A solitary elder under the light’s shade,
The beauties on the screen watching.
The home return hope is killed by the virus.
I lament the ill luck of lovelessness.
Only the dumplings’ fragrance
Can comfort my heart of loneliness作者: fanghuzhai 时间: 2020-5-10 02:50 忆帝京•无题
My neighbor has a tree full of lemon
My yard is full of weeds there to be seen
A day’s hard work exhausts my poor body
The ground is covered with branches broken
After class I weed my yard with a hoe
At night I write poems, head on the pillow
My life into twilight, what is my wish?
Simply not being a burdened fellow
Rolling in the sky to darken the sun
Blacken clouds surge when it’s the eve
Why does Zeus change his course to run
I’ll see how much rain we'll receive
Rolling in the sky to darken the sun
Blacken clouds surge when it’s the eve
Why does Zeus change his course to run
I’ll see how much rain we'll receive