That is ok. Now the problem is solved. Thank you for sharing!作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2015-11-24 10:25 笔记: 读方先生的论文Chomskian Deep Structure And Translation 乔姆斯基深层机构与翻译
方先生的论文Chomskian Deep Structure And Translation介绍了什么是Chomskian深层结构,论证在翻译时候仅运用Chomskian 的Deep Structure 深层结构(即在句子中的语义关系)去翻译是不够的。很多中国学者没能领悟Transformation Grammar--转换生成语法的意义 (理论研究的是人类为什么会说话以及如何了解新的句子。) 其实只是一个句子的语法,旨在记述语言本身的能力,而翻译是一种执行。(按:我把转换生成语法的定义从维基上搬来这里:Transformational grammar "Transformations actually come in two types: (i) the post-Deep structure kind mentioned above, which are string or structure changing, and (ii) Generalized Transformations (GTs). Generalized transformations were originally proposed in the earliest forms of generative grammar (e.g., Chomsky 1957). They take small structures, either atomic or generated by other rules, and combine them. For example, the generalized transformation of embedding would take the kernel "Dave said X" and the kernel "Dan likes smoking" and combine them into "Dave said Dan likes smoking." 简单地说,翻译时候不是逐句逐字Word for word 地去翻译,而是把信息传达出去 。 这好像与异化和归化理论有关联)