亚里士多德说,“比起历史,诗更哲学,具有更高的价值,因为诗更倾向于表达普遍性,而历史则表达个别性。(Poetry is more philosophical and of higher value than history; for poetry tends to express the universal, history the particular.)”
爱默生说,“真正的哲学家和真正的诗人,是一体的,美即为真,真即为美 ——哲学家和诗人两者的共同目标。(The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty,
is the aim of both.)”
雪莱说,“诗撩起世界隐秘美丽的面纱,让熟悉的东西变得陌生起来。(Poetry lifts the veil from the hidden beauty of the world, and makes familiar objects be as if they were not familiar.)”
R.S.托马斯说:“通过心灵, 到达理性这一层,可谓诗歌(Poetry is that which arrives at the intellect by way of the heart.)”
比如,诗人艾米莉·狄金森的《因为我不能等待死神》(Emily Dickinson;Because I could not stop for Death);爱默生的《日子》(Ralph Waldo Emerson; Days)弗罗斯特 的《雪夜林边小驻》(Robert Frost;Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening) ;苏利.普吕多姆 的《疑问》(Sully Prudhomme;Le Doute); 波德莱尔 的《人与海》(Charles Baudelaire; L’Homme et la Mer)……
诗歌,可以用来抒发感情,可以用来写生活中、社会中发生的事,也可以用来表达诗人的社会责任感。但写的时候,要跟它们拉开一点距离。归根结底,诗歌的本质是“精神”,而不是情绪。如果诗歌仅仅拘泥于个人的特别感受、感情或局部环境而不能自拔,那诗歌就不可避免地受束缚了,它的立意变矮,它的颜色变得苍白,它因此钻入到亚里士多德所说的“个性the particular” 而不能自拔,反而言之,就是没有亚里士多德所说的“宇宙性 the universal”了。