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标题: 《道德经》第一章英译文 [打印本页]

作者: 徐英才     时间: 2016-1-6 19:50     标题: 《道德经》第一章英译文



道 可 道 , 非 常 道 。A Dao that is definable is not the eternal Dao.
名 可 名 , 非 常 名 。A name that is attributable is not the eternal name.
无 名 天 地 之 始 ﹔“Nonexistence” is named for the genesis of heaven-and-earth;
有 名 万 物 之 母 。“Existence,” the mother of all beings.
故 常 无 , 欲 以 观 其 妙 ﹔Hence, through constant meditation on nonexistence, we can see its secrets.
常 有 , 欲 以 观 其 徼 。Through constant observation of existence, its manifestations.
此 两 者 , 同 出 而 异 名 , 同 谓 之 玄 。These two, although given different names, are of the same origin.
玄 之 又 玄 , 众 妙 之 门 。They are both mysterious-- So mysterious that they can serve as the gate to the secrets of all.
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-1-6 21:36
Thank you professor!  I just finished reading 4 chapters of Tao Te Ching. Now I understand that Tao is something mysterious, intangible and untouchable, as if an empty belly of a container. The natural law is Dao, but Dao is not exactly equal to the natural law. Everything can be Dao, but Dao is difficult to be defined.  They say that the idea of Dao is similar to Logos, the notable idea----"everything flows" by Heraclitus.

I agree with you  非常道 refers to something that is hard to define.
Mr. Xu 's translation "but it is not the common law."  is wrong.
作者: 海外逸士     时间: 2016-1-7 10:02
路先生,讀了大作,恕我唐突,有個小小的語法問題與閣下商榷。閣下的DAO是個抽象名詞吧? 根據語法規則,是否抽象名詞前不能用不定冠詞 A ?
作者: 徐英才     时间: 2016-1-7 10:17

Originally posted by 海外逸士 at 2016-1-7 10:02:
路先生,讀了大作,恕我唐突,有個小小的語法問題與閣下商榷。閣下的DAO是個抽象名詞吧? 根據語法規則,是否抽象名詞前不能用不定冠詞 A ?


A Mr. Li came to see you this morning.
作者: 海外逸士     时间: 2016-1-7 15:26
路先生,Mr.  Li 不是抽象名詞。如果在場的李先生不止一個,甚至可用複數。

sample words of abstract nouns from online grammar:

You can't say "a bravery, a curiosity," etc.
作者: 徐英才     时间: 2016-1-7 15:46

Originally posted by 海外逸士 at 2016-1-7 15:26:
路先生,Mr.  Li 不是抽象名詞。如果在場的李先生不止一個,甚至可用複數。



这里的Dao和Mr. Li都是专有名词。

你可能是认为这里的Dao很神秘,所以就是抽象名词。不是这样的。它是一个专有名词,它就像Mars(火星),Mercury(水星), Venus(金星),等等一样,不因为指的东西对我们很神秘它们就是抽象名词。它们都是专有名词,所以第一个字母都大写。

作者: 徐英才     时间: 2016-1-7 15:52



作者: 海外逸士     时间: 2016-1-7 17:44



如果 DAO 前用A,  表示一種 DAO,那麼閣下在此談到幾種DAO? 或是幾種 DAO 中的某一種。
作者: 徐英才     时间: 2016-1-7 19:33

Originally posted by 海外逸士 at 2016-1-7 17:44:



Still reading Chinese grammar books? I highly recommend that you read English ones so that you can learn Authentic English and true English skills.

I am making my effort here to help you understand what a proper noun is, this basic English grammar skill. Here is the quote from that gives a detailed explanation to what a proper noun is.

A proper noun is a noun that in its primary application refers to a unique entity, such as London, Jupiter, Sarah, or Microsoft, as distinguished from a common noun, which usually refers to a class of entities (city, planet, person, corporation), or non-unique instances of a specific class (a city, another planet, these persons, our corporation).[1] Some proper nouns occur in plural form (optionally or exclusively), and then they refer to groups of entities considered as unique (the Hendersons, the Everglades, the Azores, the Pleiades). Proper nouns can also occur in secondary applications, for example modifying nouns (the Mozart experience; his Azores adventure), or in the role of common nouns (he's no Pavarotti; a few would-be Napoleons). The detailed definition of the term is problematic and to an extent governed by convention.[2]

A distinction is normally made in current linguistics between proper nouns and proper names. By this strict distinction, because the term noun is used for a class of single words (tree, beauty), only single-word proper names are proper nouns: Peter and Africa are both proper names and proper nouns; but Peter the Great and South Africa, while they are proper names, are not proper nouns. The term common name is not much used to contrast with proper name, but some linguists have used the term for that purpose. Sometimes proper names are called simply names; but that term is often used more broadly. Words derived from proper names are sometimes called proper adjectives (or proper adverbs, and so on), but not in mainstream linguistic theory. Not every noun or noun phrase that refers to a unique entity is a proper name. Blackness and chastity are common nouns, even if blackness and chastity are considered unique abstract entities.

Few proper names have only one possible referent: there are many places named New Haven; Jupiter may refer to a planet, a god, a ship, or a symphony; at least one person has been named Mata Hari, but so have a horse, a song, and three films; there are towns and people named Toyota, as well as the company.

In English, proper names in their primary application cannot normally be modified by an article or other determiner (such as any or another), although some may be taken to include the article the, as in the Netherlands, the Roaring Forties, or the Rolling Stones. A proper name may appear to refer by having a descriptive meaning, even though it does not (the Rolling Stones are not stones and do not roll; a woman named Rose is not a flower). Or if it had once been descriptive (and then perhaps not even a proper name at all), it may no longer be so (a location previously referred to as "the new town" may now have the proper name Newtown, though it is no longer new, and is now a city rather than a town).

Hope this is helpful. I have a request for you and hope you will fulfill it. You see, on Venus, there is such a phenomenon that every morning there is a great gust of wind that ripples the land. American scientists want to name this phenomenon so that they can properly refer to it in their discussion. Someone suggests that they use the name the Chinese philosopher Lao Zi gave in his book “Dao De Jing”that describes how the world came into being. Can you help me come up with the English proper noun for it?

Thank you.
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-1-8 00:05
多谢路老师介绍【道德经】 。

作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-1-8 07:20




作者: 海外逸士     时间: 2016-1-8 08:35
路同志,你的"道"屬於你提出那個英文定義裡的哪一項? 請具體指出。

作者: 徐英才     时间: 2016-1-8 08:39

Originally posted by 海外逸士 at 2016-1-8 08:35:
路同志,你的"道"屬於你提出那個英文定義裡的哪一項? 請具體指出。


Please talk to me in English, otherwise shut up.
作者: 海外逸士     时间: 2016-1-8 08:55

作者: 徐英才     时间: 2016-1-8 18:04



在老子的哲学观里,”道“有两种,一是从无里生成天地的那个“东西”,即“常道”(或者叫“恒道”);二是天地里各事物的规律,即“非常道”(或者叫“普通道”)。因为我们认知普通事物的规律,所以我们可以用带属性的名词来命名这些规律,定义它们。比如我们知道天冷了水会结冰,我们把那个结成冻状的水叫做冰,而且我们可以定义什么是冰。但因为我们不知道“常道” (或者叫“恒道”)是什么,也无法了解它,所以我们就不能定义它,也不可用带属性的名词来命名它。也就是说,我们不可以用象“水”呀“火” 呀这类带属性的名词来命名它。因为一旦你用这类名词来命名它,我们就定义了它,把它限定在了这类名词的属性里了。这就是为什么我们不能象许渊冲那样把这个“常道”译成the divine law。因为一旦我们这么做了,我们就把它限定在了the divine law的属性里了,也就表明我们认知它了。那么,我们怎样才能解决这一翻译里的难题呢?我认为我们应该把它译作专有名词Dao,即用拼音直接把老子的这个“道”字译进译文里去,丝毫不改变它。也有很多同仁是这样译的。

另外,专有名词一般不作可数名词用,因为它是某东西专有的。但一般不作可数名词用不等于它不可以作可数名词用。英语里专有名词用作可数名词的也多了去了。比如:A Mr. Li came to see you this morning。这个句子跟Mr. Li came to see you this morning的区别是:前者表示一个你不认识但你知道他叫什么Li的人早上来过;而后者则表示你和你的说话对象都认识Mr. Li。

A Dao that is definable is not the eternal Dao里的Dao 就是一个专有名词当作可数名词用。这里为什么要把它当作可数名词用呢?因为在老子的哲学观里,“道/Dao”有两种,一种是“普通的道”(天地里事物的规律),一种是“常道”(生成天地的那个道)。



道 可 道 , 非 常 道 。A Dao that is definable is not the eternal Dao.
名 可 名 , 非 常 名 。A name that is attributable is not the eternal name.
无 名 天 地 之 始 ﹔“Nonexistence” is named for the genesis of heaven-and-earth;
有 名 万 物 之 母 。“Existence,” the mother of all beings.
故 常 无 , 欲 以 观 其 妙 ﹔Hence, through constant meditation on nonexistence, we can see its secrets.
常 有 , 欲 以 观 其 徼 。Through constant observation of existence, its manifestations.
此 两 者 , 同 出 而 异 名 , 同 谓 之 玄 。These two, although given different names, are of the same origin.
玄 之 又 玄 , 众 妙 之 门 。They are both mysterious-- So mysterious that they can serve as the gate to the secrets of all.

注:attributable: a word ascribing a quality (见:
作者: 海外逸士     时间: 2016-1-8 19:50

就DAO這詞本身表達概念來說,應該是抽象名詞。特殊情況下抽象名詞還是可以加上A 的。如She is a beauty.  我前面說過,如果有多于一種的"道",DAO 前也可加 A。所以,專業答辯時,不必說這是專門名詞呀,這是作可數名詞用呀。就說這裡表達DAO 的概念有兩種情況。OK 了。
作者: 徐英才     时间: 2016-1-8 20:14

Originally posted by 海外逸士 at 2016-1-8 19:50:

就DAO這詞本身表達概念來說,應該是抽象名詞。特殊情況下抽象名詞還是可以加上A 的。如She is a beauty.  我前面說過,如果有多于一種的"道",..

作者: 徐英才     时间: 2016-1-8 20:20

Originally posted by 海外逸士 at 2016-1-8 19:50:

就DAO這詞本身表達概念來說,應該是抽象名詞。特殊情況下抽象名詞還是可以加上A 的。如She is a beauty.  我前面說過,如果有多于一種的"道",..

作者: 海外逸士     时间: 2016-1-9 08:53
詞性不是由想像來決定的。是由詞本身表達的概念來決定的。即使是漢語拼音轉到英文裡來也一樣。Wang,姓,專有名詞; Beijing,地名,專有名詞; Dao (道) 和 chan (禪),表示某種概念,都是抽象名詞。

作者: 徐英才     时间: 2016-1-9 10:48

Originally posted by 海外逸士 at 2016-1-9 08:53:
詞性不是由想像來決定的。是由詞本身表達的概念來決定的。即使是漢語拼音轉到英文裡來也一樣。Wang,姓,專有名詞; Beijing,地名,專有名詞; Dao (道) 和 chan (禪),表示某種概念,都是抽象名詞。


作者: 海外逸士     时间: 2016-1-9 10:54

XX 是符號,不是英文詞。

作者: 徐英才     时间: 2016-1-9 11:31
这个符号可以代“盘古”,那是专有名词。代universe creation, 那creation就是抽象名词。所以概念可以抽象,但用以指代的名词也可以是专有的。什么叫专有?就是那个事物独有的。盘古代表独有那事物,所以是专有。creation还可以指其他东西,所以不是专有。Dao独有老子说的那概念,所以是专有名词。这还要教,真是的。
作者: 徐英才     时间: 2016-1-10 07:40


马王堆版的《老子》:道,可道也,非恒道也。解释成:使万物自行组织和自行稳定的机制和原动力(即天之道),人类可以证明它的存在,可以模仿和应用它,但人类对它进行模仿和应用的行为和方法,都是人之道,而非永恒不变的天之道。 后面的都是人之道。。。等等解释不够给力。应该说成:但人类对它进行模仿和应用的行为和方法,出于主观性的局限而不能融合客观真相而必然存在差异,所以不是永恒不变的天之道。



作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-1-10 09:54
I just posted your new message.  It seems that Mr./Ms. 十路 is very interested in translation. Glad that we get one more friend to talk about poems, prose and translation.

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