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作者: zhuxiaodi     时间: 2008-6-13 18:57     标题: [转载] Tim Russert dies at 58

I like this guy. One of the best. Son of a garbage collector.
I always counted on him for some good analyses.


Newsman Tim Russert dies at 58

(CNN) - Tim Russert, who became one of America's leading political journalists as the host of NBC's "Meet the Press," died Friday, according to the network. He was 58.
The network said he collapsed at work Friday. He was taken to Washington's Sibley Memorial Hospital where he died, the hospital confirmed.

Colleague and former NBC anchor Tom Brokaw broke the news on the network Friday shortly after 3:40 p.m., saying Russert had just returned from a family vacation in Italy to celebrate the graduation of his son, Luke, from Boston College.

President Bush on Friday expressed sorrow over Russert's death and admiration for his professionalism.

"He was an institution in both news and politics for more than two decades. Tim was a tough and hardworking newsman. He was always well-informed and thorough in his interviews. And he was as gregarious off the set as he was prepared on it," Bush said in a statement Friday.

"Most important, Tim was a proud son and father, and Laura and I offer our deepest sympathies to his wife, Maureen, his son, Luke, and the entire Russert family," he said.

Sen. Barack Obama, the presumed Democratic nominee for president, said he had known Russert since Obama spoke at the party convention in 2004.

"There wasn't a better interviewer in television," he said.

Sen. John McCain, set to be Obama's Republican opponent in the fall, issued a statement saying he was very saddened by the news.

"He was truly a great American who loved his family, his friends, his Buffalo Bills and everything about politics and America. He was just a terrific guy," McCain said of Russert.

Russert joined the network in 1984 and quickly established himself as the face of the network's political coverage, eventually becoming senior vice president and Washington bureau chief of NBC news.

In 1985, Russert supervised live broadcasts of the "Today" show from Rome, negotiating an appearance by Pope John Paul II -- a first for American television.

Russert, who also served as a political analyst for cable network MSNBC, took the helm of "Meet the Press" in 1991, turning the long-running Sunday-morning interview program into the most-watched show of its kind in the United States.

"I think I can invoke personal privilege and say this news division will not be the same without his strong, clear voice," Brokaw said Friday. "He will be missed as he was loved -- greatly."

Washingtonian Magazine once dubbed Russert the best and most influential journalist in Washington, describing "Meet the Press" as "the most interesting and important hour on television."

He was also the recipient of numerous awards for his work, including an Emmy in 2005 for his coverage of the funeral of President Ronald Reagan.

In 2008, TIME magazine named him one of the 100 most influential people in the world.

His two books -- 2004's "Big Russ and Me" and 2006's "Wisdom of Our Fathers" were New York Times best sellers.

Russert was born in 1950 in Buffalo, New York, the son of Timothy John Russert Sr. -- a newspaper truck driver and sanitation worker who was the "Big Russ" from his autobiography -- and Elizabeth Russert, a homemaker.

He married journalist Maureen Orth in 1983 and had a son, Luke.

Russert was the longest-running host of "Meet the Press" in its 60-year history. Brokaw described him as a political junkie who had thrown himself into his work during this year's presidential contest.

"This was one of the most important years of Tim's life for many reasons," Brokaw said. "He loved this political campaign. He worked himself to the point of exhaustion many weeks."

He noted Russert's love of sports -- the Buffalo Bills, New York Yankees and Washington Nationals -- and strong ties to his childhood home.

"Tim was a true child of Buffalo and the blue-collar roots from which he was raised," he said. "For all his success, he was always in touch with the ethos of that community."
作者: zhuxiaodi     时间: 2008-6-13 18:59
A great loss at a wrong time when we all need him and miss him so badly.
作者: weili     时间: 2008-6-14 09:13
彦彬:Tim Russert,美国政治新闻独一无二的专家记者

·彦 彬·

今天吃午饭的时候,才注意到Tim Russert死于心脏病的事情。心中非常震惊,痛心这样一个知名的美国政治新闻专家逝去了,很可惜他的才智与聪明。

说起来,我还见过Tim Russert一面。1995年9月,我在马里兰州打工, 给一个中国新闻代表团当兼职司机与翻译。一个星期日我开车带著新闻代表团去华盛顿NBC分部去参观,在那里见到了Tim Russert。他跟电视里一样胖胖的,走路匆匆忙忙地。他从我们面前通过时,抱歉的说“我今天很忙,对不起没时间陪你们。”我们都知道星期天早晨是Tim Russert主持的Meet The Press时间,所以很理解。待了一会,Meet The Press就开始了,中国新闻代表们都坐在很小的观众席上。我们被告知不要出声,因为是现场广播。当天请的嘉宾是当时美国众议院议长Newt Gingridge和美国国务卿Madeleine Korbel Albright。当天的议题已经模糊如烟,但Tim Russert的风度依然清晰。

随行的美国新闻界接待人介绍说,Tim Russert是纽约水牛城出生的(1950年生人),是Buffalo Bill足球队的扇子。果然在他办公室的门上还挂著Buffalo Bill的旗子。我曾经在水牛城住过多年,那里可以作为我第二个家乡,因此对他颇感亲切。 Tim Russert的父亲,一个爱尔兰的后裔,曾经是开垃圾车的蓝领工人。Tim Russert父子之情非常深厚,曾写过一本书纪念他的父亲。Tim Russert生前是以为水牛城人而骄傲的。

说实在的,我对政治不是太感兴趣,很少看星期天早晨的Meet The Press。在后来多次美国总统选举的电视场面上多次看到Tim Russert。我发现Tim Russert能保持公正,不倾斜任何一方。他的机智,聪慧,丰富的政治知识使他成为了美国政治新闻的独一无二的专家记者。他的敬业精神使得他的竞争对手深深折服。Tim Russert最后死在他的工作岗位上,NBC的办公室里。他的逝世在美国的新闻界造成了巨大的悲痛,他的竞争对手——各大新闻都在为失去这样一个影响深远的出色记者而悲痛。 Tim Russert生前热爱的他的工作,是敬业的榜样。深深悼念Tim Russert,一代杰出的新闻记者。

□ 寄自美国

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