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标题: Glenn Beck: Obama's odd timing on Wright [打印本页]

作者: 悟空     时间: 2008-5-5 11:30     标题: Glenn Beck: Obama's odd timing on Wright

Beck believes Obama's Philly speech and his recent break-up with Rev Wright are by and large political short-cuts. Neither paints a pretty picture of a politician who is supposed to change Washington.

For those who are emotionally attached to your idol, either skip to the last line or read with strong nerves, please. Beck's candid assessment is not designed to please your ears...


Glenn Beck: Obama's odd timing on Wright

By Glenn Beck

Editor's note: "Glenn Beck" is on CNN Headline News nightly at 7 and 9 ET.

NEW YORK (CNN) -- Sen. Barack Obama is moving away from the Rev. Jeremiah Wright so fast he may claim to be an atheist by next weekend. The ongoing sprint from such a polarizing figure is far from a surprise, it's just the timing of it that is so odd.

A New York Times editorial described the recent developments like this:

"In the last few days, in a series of shocking appearances, he [Wright] embraced the Rev. Louis Farrakhan's anti-Semitism. He said the government manufactured the AIDS virus to kill blacks. He suggested that America was guilty of "terrorism" and so had brought the 9/11 attacks on itself."

Shocking? Every one of these opinions of Wright has been part of the public record for months. It's no more shocking than Angelina Jolie coming out in favor of adoption.

Even in the schizophrenic world of politics, it's unclear how to accomplish the mental gymnastics required to make sense of all of this. The media's love affair with Obama makes them ask us to believe that Obama was courageous for defending Wright in his Philadelphia speech on race and also courageous for throwing him under the bus six weeks later for the exact same opinions.

The only plausible realities are that either the speech was naïve and the press conference realistic, or the speech was pandering and the press conference politically expedient. Neither paints a pretty picture of a politician who is supposed to change Washington.

When the tapes surfaced Obama informed us that much of the controversy had been caused not by Wright's views, but by our lack of understanding about the differences in culture. "Trinity's services are full of raucous laughter and sometimes bawdy humor. They are full of dancing, clapping, screaming and shouting that may seem jarring to the untrained ear."

It wasn't Wright's overbearing volume, hilarious comedy, hand movements, or dance quality that made me think he was a dangerous peddler of conspiracy theories. It was his words that did that. I don't want someone like him with access to the president for twenty minutes, let alone twenty years.

Those who were outraged by Wright's divisive and destructive comments that preyed on hate have been called racists by many. But, when Obama said he was "outraged" by the "divisive and destructive" comments that gave "comfort to those who prey on hate," he's called brave.

For anyone believing this is about race for Wright's critics, think of disgraced professor Ward Churchill. He was fired for research misconduct from University of Colorado at Boulder and made famous for saying many of the same things as Wright.

If any presidential candidate from either side -- white or black -- had been using Churchill as a "sounding board" for the last twenty years, we would rightly dismiss them.

Obama's political excommunication of Wright is not only a sudden and stark departure from his vaunted Philadelphia speech on race -- it also appears to be retroactive. In his press conference he said about Wright: "I know that one thing that he said was true, that he was never my "spiritual adviser." He was never my spiritual mentor. He was my pastor. And to some extent how the press characterized in the past that relationship, I think, was inaccurate."

Indeed, the press had characterized Wright in that role quite often. For example, the Chicago Sun Times described him as "a close confidant" in an article about people Obama "seeks out for spiritual counsel," and the New York Times described Wright as his "spiritual mentor."

Another source even called Wright the man "who helped introduce" Obama to his "Christian faith," who "counsels" him, is "like family," "a friend," "a great leader" and a "sounding board," who was a member of Obama's spiritual advisory committee and who officiated his wedding and baptized his children.

That source? Barack Obama. I wonder where "the press" got all those crazy ideas.

Do I think for a second that Obama believes the government created the AIDS virus to kill African-Americans? No. But at this point it's rational to wonder whether he is either lying or has an awful sense of judgment. He either knew Wright's views and didn't tell the truth about them, or he somehow missed the core beliefs of the man who was spending his Sunday mornings teaching core beliefs.

I'm glad Obama has come to the same conclusion that Wright's critics came to long ago. I just wonder why it took me two minutes and him two decades.
作者: July     时间: 2008-5-5 22:06

Originally posted by 悟空 at 2008-5-5 04:30 PM:
Beck believes Obama's Philly speech and his recent break-up with Rev Wright are by and large political short-cuts. Neither paints a pretty picture of a politician who is supposed to change Washingt..

前总统卡特前两天在著名的Larry King Show上说,他是南方长大的孩子,在南方黑人教会里,几乎都是这样的,黑人的文化坏境就是这样的,作为一个黑人,奥巴马就是生活在这样的环境中,美国的种族歧视也根本没有消失。卡特总统认为,这对奥巴马的负面影响是非常暂时的,很快就会被人们忘记。

两位克林顿支持者,民主党内重要的DNC主席 Joe Andrew and Paul Kirk 都转向支持奥巴马。 Andrew说,奥巴马正直清醒,不搞肮脏的阴谋诡计,而希拉里为了当总统,不择一切手段,华盛顿是到了要改变的时候了。

莱特这次是故意的,他要坚持他批判政府的立场,利用这次机会扩大他的影响。莱特不是奥巴马,奥巴马没有比要为他的话负责。有头脑的人,而不是emotional attach 的人一眼就看出来了。只有那些没有头脑的希拉里狂,才利用这个机会再一次大兴风浪。媒体说这叫“try to kill a man"。


我非常理解奥巴马,我对我的牧师也不完全同意。 比如,我的教会签了反同性恋结婚的倡议书,我是唯一不签名的,那年,很多人支持布什当总统,我也不去。但是,我不会离开这个教会,也很尊敬我的牧师。 美国需要的正是这种平衡。
作者: July     时间: 2008-5-5 22:22
〉〉For those who are emotionally attached to your idol, either skip to the last line or read with strong nerves, please. Beck's candid assessment is not designed to please your ears...


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