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作者: xzhao2     时间: 2008-2-21 09:47     标题: [转载]His 11 straight victories.

20日公布的拉斯穆森市場(Rasmussen Markets)最新民調顯示,民主黨總統參選人歐巴瑪19日在威斯康辛州初選大勝強勁對手喜萊莉‧柯林頓之後,贏得民主黨總統候選人提名的機率大增,上衝到超過八成(上午為79%,下午增加到81.0%),氣候已成。喜萊莉此役後的獲勝機率則下降到只有兩成(下午再降至18.6%)。

同日公布的路透/佐格比(Reuters/Zogby)民調顯示,如果11月的大選是歐巴瑪與共和黨聲勢領先的總統參選人馬侃對決,歐巴瑪也居於領先地位,喜萊莉則不敵馬侃。這將使歐巴瑪更加振振有詞,強調自己是民主黨拿下白宮的最佳人選。此一民調顯示,上個月全國民調與喜萊莉難分高下的歐巴瑪,現在的全國支持度以 52%對38%大幅領先喜萊莉14個百分點。



20 日上午的拉斯穆森調結果顯示,歐巴瑪在德州獲勝的機率已拉高到七成(高於早先的54%甚多)。下午的民調結果則為歐巴瑪69.0%;喜萊莉33.0%。在俄亥俄州,20日上午的拉斯穆森民調也顯示類似走向:歐巴瑪的勝算從19日的38%大幅上升到47%,下午的結果則是歐巴瑪49%;喜萊莉50.5%。

拉斯穆森民調指出,情勢愈來愈轉為對歐巴瑪有利,因為威州初選再次顯示,歐巴瑪是一位「後勁十足」的參選人(a very strong closer)。出口民調顯示,30%的選民是在競選的最後一周才下定決心,而他們絕大多數把手中的一票投給了歐巴瑪。
作者: xzhao2     时间: 2008-2-21 10:57
WASHINGTON (AP) - Barack Obama won the Democrats Abroad global primary in results announced Thursday, giving him 11 straight victories in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination.

The Illinois senator won the primary in which Democrats living in other countries voted by Internet, mail and in person, according to results released by the Democrats Abroad, an organization sanctioned by the national party.

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has not won a nominating contest since Super Tuesday, more than two weeks ago.

More than 20,000 U.S. citizens living abroad voted in the primary, which ran from Feb. 5 to Feb. 12. Obama won about 65 percent of the vote, according to the results released Thursday.

Voters living in 164 countries cast votes online, while expatriates voted in person in more than 30 countries, at hotels in Australia and Costa Rica, at a pub in Ireland and at a Starbucks in Thailand. The results took about a week to tabulate as local committees around the globe gathered ballots.

"This really gives Americans an opportunity to participate," said Christine Schon Marques, the international chair of Democrats Abroad.

There is no comparable primary among Republicans, though the GOP has several contests this weekend in U.S. territories, including party caucuses in Puerto Rico Sunday.

The Democrats Abroad controls seven pledged delegates at the party's national convention this summer. However, the group's system of dividing the delegates is unique, and could create an anomaly in which Obama and Clinton end up with fractions of delegates.

The party will send 14 pledged delegates to the convention, each with a half vote. The primary was used to determine nine people, or the equivalent of 4.5 delegates. Obama won 2.5 and Clinton won two, according to Schon Marques.

The Democrats Abroad will hold a global convention in Vancouver, Canada, in April to select the other five people who will attend the convention. They will represent the remaining 2.5 votes.

The system creates the possibility that Obama and Clinton could each end up with an extra half vote at the convention, Schon Marques said.

Democratic parties in U.S. territories use similar systems, in which they send twice the number of delegates, giving them each a half vote. But their systems are designed to ensure that that candidates do not end up with fractions of delegates.

Heading into the Democrats Abroad primary, Obama led with 1,351 delegates, and Clinton had 1,262.

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