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标题: [原创] 日记一则 (4, 5,6) [打印本页]

作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2015-8-12 20:33     标题: [原创] 日记一则 (4, 5,6)




是的。我的Email box 没读取的Mails超过6000封。因为我从没有把谁放黑名单里, 最多不要那个Email,开一个新的。  

附件 1 : ,,.png (2015-8-12 20:39, 521.87 K )

作者: 海外逸士     时间: 2015-8-13 08:15
I never put any emails on black list. I don't even know where is the black list that I can use.  I just delete all emails that strangers send me. but I never delete emails from anyone I know. I will read it anyway. As for I reply or not, it depends whether the sender wants me to reply or not.
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2015-8-13 08:49

Originally posted by 海外逸士 at 2015-8-13 08:15:
I never put any emails on black list. I don't even know where is the black list that I can use.  I just delete all emails that strangers send me. but I never delete emails from anyone I know. I wil..

Don't worry 海老师。Never mind. I was just saying. I have never have any negative thoughts about you.  I think I had gone too far by giving such comments to your previous posts. So I think putting me in the black list was something normal to do, if not, you have a great manner. Thanks a lot.  I am open-minded, always give people the benefit of the doubt.

I read the following this morning:

written by Rumi

In my hallucination
I saw my beloved's flower garden
In my vertigo, in my dizziness
In my drunken haze
Whirling and dancing like a spinning wheel

I saw myself as the source of existence
I was there in the beginning
And I was the spirit of love
Now I am sober
There is only the hangover
And the memory of love
And only the sorrow

I yearn for happiness
I ask for help
I want mercy
And my love says:

Look at me and hear me
Because I am here
Just for that

I am your moon and your moonlight too
I am your flower garden and your water too
I have come all this way, eager for you
Without shoes or shawl

I want you to laugh
To kill all your worries
To love you
To nourish you

Oh sweet bitterness
I will soothe you and heal you
I will bring you roses
I, too, have been covered with thorns
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2015-8-13 22:42
Yesterday I received the book I had been waiting for, a book in which the author, a Chinese Vietnamese, tells impressive stories about Vietnamese boat people I have read in his blog and an online newspaper, delighting and touching me.  I am glad that stories in his book are new to me except for the first one--有一年的除夕.  My plan is, after finishing his book I will write a book review, which will be my first book review writing.  When it comes to this, I have no idea what to write and how to write. Compared with literary writing writhing,  I am better at business plan writing ----the business immigrant department in my province seldom turned me down, and consequently, I seldom disappointed my client, an immigrant consultant in the city where I live, but writing a book review is something I have never done in my life.  So, to prepare myself for this practice, I googled the relevant instructions which seems to be organized and crystal clear: I will study this sometime this week.

About the writer and his book, I wrote a little the other day:

Lately I have been collecting historical materials for writing something about my parents. At the same time, I've also paid attention to related fictional stories written by Chinese Vietnamese writers. Both my parents and grandparents lived in Vietnam for many years before the war broke out at the boundary between China and Vietnam. When I was a kid, from time to time, my parents told me their life in Vietnam which was full of hardships, bomb craters, gunfire and tears. I am interested in knowing more about that since I am getting old now. I wish I could write a book for my parents and my kids before I die. So last week I contacted that writer who now is in Toronto. The writer is of Chinese origin.  We both are from the same part of Vietnam. His stories have been published in sequential installments by the well-known Chinese newspaper in Toronto. I am attracted to all the stories he wrote, which are touching  and poignant, and at the end, you are always given a sad surprise (those I had read).  An accomplished writer and poet he is. I am looking forward to reading his book, a story collection which is now on the way to me. Meanwhile I will keep paying close attention to his next book which will be published soon.
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2015-8-16 07:15
(我儿子的额头像我,横看成岭侧成峰,根据东北话,好像什么“大白楼” )



小猪在两岁时开始去读附近的一个幼稚园。 开学的第一天,我们把他放下课室后就离开了,他不哭闹,看样子好像挺独立的。 但有时他哭闹的时就搞得很极端,像大地震。

幼稚园, 说是上学读书,其实就是玩, 老师教孩子们要Share----分享玩具, 相互尊重,不能打架,教唱儿歌,学认ABC,玩游戏,体育活动等。 孩子们的主要任务就是玩,我们也不期待他能学多少。 老师和我们的沟通主要内容是: 今天小猪又弄破哪里了,又打了小朋友了,又被罚站(Times Out)多少次等等。  一眨眼三年过去了,他就要上小学了。

幼稚园有一个项目专为将要入读Kindergarten (学前班)的小朋友而设----一个为期四周的学前适应班,每一次上课两小时。 因为名额有限,我们经过一番周折才能帮他报到名。

我们被告知,上适应班要从学校的后门进入图书馆。 学校的后门是一个山坡楼梯。


那天我送他去读第一天的适应班,到了他死活不出车门,说不要来这里。 我说你早上答应的。 眼看要迟到了,我就把他扛上肩膀拎上书包朝楼梯走。他就开始哭喊着踢我,打我,扯我头发,眼镜,吐我口水。我们一路扭打着上了一半的楼梯,这时候他说鞋子丢了,果然, 他的鞋子掉在车门前。我只得扛着他折回去拿鞋子。 然后又一路扭打着上山。。。

好不容易进入学校,在走廊里他继续哭喊着到处乱跑,我在后面追,引来不少孩子和老师来围观。为了不影响上课的孩子,我惟有捉住他把他的头埋进我怀里,这样他的尖叫声就减低了一些。 适应班的几个老师都出来看怎么回事。 他见人多就拿出看家本领----滚地上大声哭。 老师问是否他生病了,我说没有, 他早上还很高兴的, 刚刚说不想来了。 老师们开始对他劝说, 让他冷静。这时他已经翻过身来趴地上,用手捂住脸,抽泣。 有老师伸手去企图抱他,他就一只手捂脸一只手推开老师。 这时其他孩子都乖乖的进去图书馆坐好等老师来上课。

我说我也不知道为什么他会这样,他发脾气就滚地, 我说我小时不这样 。 老师说没事的,你走了他就会乖了。 果然,两个小时后,我再看到他时他已经高高兴兴,带笑含羞。 我现在和他去哪里都提早20分钟,预防他哭闹耽误事情。他的性格,只能劝说,硬拉就走极端。  (写作练习)
August 14, 2015

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