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标题: 触[龙言]说赵太后 英译 [打印本页]

作者: fanghuzhai     时间: 2010-5-4 21:54     标题: 触[龙言]说赵太后 英译



Lady Zhao just came to power and the State of Qin already started an offensive against her state. She sought help from the State of Qi. Qi said they could send an army only on condition that her son be sent to Qi as hostage. Lady Zhao was unwilling. The ministers all tried to persuade her, but she said to them clearly: “Whoever mention是 this anymore will be spat upon by me!”

  左师触詟愿见太后,太后盛气而揖之。入而徐趋,至而自谢,曰:“老臣病足,曾不能疾走,不得见久矣,窃自恕,而恐太后玉体之有所郄也,故愿望见太后。” 太后曰:“老妇恃辇而行。”曰:“日食饮得无衰乎?”曰:“恃鬻耳。”曰:“老臣今者殊不欲食,乃自强步,日三四里,少益嗜食,和于身。”太后曰:“老妇不能。”太后之色稍解。

Chu Zhe was willing to have a word with the lady, who received him with much arrogance. He entered slowly and apologized when he was in front of Lady Zhao: “Sorry, I am suffering from ailment in my foot and cannot walk fast. It has been a long time since we met. I am afraid your health might not be so good, so I come to see you.” Lady Zhao said: “I walk with a cart.” Chu Zhe asked: “How about your daily eating. Same as before?” Lady Zhao said: “ I ate nothing but porridge.” Chu Zhe said: “I have no appetite nowadays, but after I force myself to walk three or four li, I feel like eating and my body feels good too.” Lady Zhao said: “ I cannot do that.” She appeared less hostile now.


Chu Zhe then said: “ My youngest son is a good-for-nothing and I am getting old. I love him and wish him to accomplish something. I wish you could allow him to serve as a guard in the royal palace. It is for this matter that I risk my life today to present this request to you.” Lady Zhao said: “with respect, I grant your request. May I ask how old he is?” Answered Chu Zhe:” 15 years old. Although he is still young, I would rather entrust him to you before I am buried in my grave.” Lady Zhao then asked: “Does a man also love his son?” “Well, more than a woman,” Chu Zhe said. Zhao laughed:” no way! A woman loves her son more.” Chu Zhe said: “ In my humble opinion, you love your daughter more than you love your son.” “ You are wrong,” Lady Zhao denied. “I do not love her more than I love my son.” Chu Zhe said:” When parents love their children, they have plans for their great future. When you saw your daughter off, you wept at the sad thought that she was married to a far away place. After she had left, you kept thinking of her and prayed for her staying long at her new home. Aren’t your hoping that she would bear children and grandchildren to become future kings of her husband’s state?” “Yes, indeed, “ said Lady Zhao.
Chu Zhe asked:” Let’s count three generations back till the Zhao family started ruling this state. Do the king’s sons and grandsons who were bestowed noble titles still have their own sons and grandsons who inherit those titles?” “No,” Lady Zhao said. “What about other states?” “Not that I am aware of, “said Lady Zhao.

to be continued
作者: xzhao2     时间: 2010-5-5 08:23

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