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标题: [短篇小说] Count Your Pees [打印本页]

作者: fanghuzhai     时间: 2010-12-27 11:55     标题: [短篇小说] Count Your Pees

Count Your Pees


Aunt Li came to the States to visit her daughter who was studying there and stayed at the house the daughter rented a room. There were two other girls, one also a student and the other a hairdresser.


Aunt Li was a retired worker from a factory. She was once a role model worker. This of course, happened decades ago yet she had kept her noble ideology of her young days.


After she came to the States and observed the daily life of her daughter, she found a big problem: living expenditure was too high.


One evening, she summoned all the three girls to hold a plenary conference. At the conference she delivered a speech, interpreted by her daughter whose English was not so good because she was not an English major but an accounting major: I found the way you use water is too wasteful. You never use a basin when washing dishes and vegetables, but the most wasteful is the toilet. When you liberate your big hand, of course you need to flush, but when you liberate your small hand, you also flush, which is too wasteful. One pool of pee, one flush, one pool of pee one flush. Aren't you all paying for the water? Why don't you try to be more economical? Our late Chairman Mao taught us: being wasteful is the biggest crime.


But how, asked the hair dresser.


Isn't that easy! You do not have to flush every time you liberate your small hand. You are three here. Why not one flush per three pees? But I suggest more, one per five. You put a piece of paper on the wall, make one stroke for one pee and after you finish writing the Chinese character for correctness, you flush.

当然,李婶的话都是女儿翻译的。女儿不是英语专业的,来这里是学会计的,只能用二把刀英语翻译:literating the big hand, liberating the small hand, a pool of pee, the character of "correctness". 不过连说带比划,那两个房友倒也听懂了。

The two other girls understood with the help of Aunt Li's daughter's interpretation with gestures.


But we do not know how to write Chinese, protested the hair dresser.

那好办,李婶说,我教你。 世上无难事,只怕有心人。我就不信你学不会。

Easy, said Aunt Li, I will teach you. There is nothing difficult in the world as long as you have the heart to do it. I simply do not believe you are unable to learn.


Under the guidance of Aunt Li, the other two girls learned how to write the Chinese word for correctness. They implemented the resolution of their first plenary meeting: counting the pees. As it turned out, their water bill went down significantly.

有一天,李婶的女儿拿回来一份人民日表。剃头女看见头版头条有大幅照片,是开大会的,甚是庄严隆重。照片下头有些字, 其中就有一个“正确”。剃头女说:他们也统计撒尿的次数吗?

One day, Aunt Li's daughter brought back a People's Daily. On the front page there was a picture of a conference or something like that, very impressive. Beneath the picture there are many Chinese words and the hair dresser discerned the word for correctness.

Do they also count their pees? she asked.


No, replied Aunt Li. That correctness is not your correctness. They do not need to count their pees. They have tons of money, unlike you America!
作者: 冬雪儿     时间: 2010-12-27 22:00
作者: xyy     时间: 2010-12-28 18:01

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