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标题: [原创] 英译:苏轼【江城子】赏析英译 [打印本页]

作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2015-4-30 09:37     标题: [原创] 英译:苏轼【江城子】赏析英译


江城子   乙卯正月二十日夜记梦

词作鉴赏   Analysis of the Ci

题记中“乙卯”年指的是宋神宗熙宁八年(1075),其时苏东坡任密州(今山东诸城)知州,年已四十。正月二十日这天夜里,他梦见爱妻王弗,便写下了这首“有声当彻天,有泪当彻泉”(陈师道语)的悼亡词。 In the prefatory remarks, the year of 乙卯, which is the fifty second year of the 60 years cycle, refers to year 1075, the eighth year of the emperor Xining who had ruled his empire, and that was when Su, at the age of 40, held a post as the senior provincial government officer of Mizhou ( presently refers to zhucheng, Shandong). At that night of the 20th, January on the lunar calendar, he dreamed of his beloved late wife, Wang, therefore, in order to express his extreme sorrow from the loss of his wife, he wrote these heavy-hearted mourning words which, according to 陈师道, could have started the universe and moved the gods.   苏东坡的这首词是“记梦”,而且明确写了做梦的日子。但实际上,词中记梦境的只有下片的五句,其他都是真挚朴素,沉痛感人的抒情文字。“十年生死两茫茫”生死相隔,死者对人世是茫然无知了,而活着的人对逝者呢,不也同样吗?恩爱夫妻,一朝永诀,转瞬十年了。“不思量,自难忘”人虽云亡,而过去美好的情景“自难忘”呵!王弗逝世十年了,想当初年方十六的王弗嫁给了十九岁的苏东坡,少年夫妻情深意重自不必说,更难得她蕙质兰心,明事理。Su's first words of this Ci  were "To remember a dream", that he clearly indicated the day that he dreamed of his wife. But the fact is, in those two stanzas, there are only five sentences written to remember his dreams, and the rest are real simple, which are deeply touching lyrical texts. " For ten years now, the border between life and death has been boundless" Being separated from life and death, being a deceased, his wife was all at sea now when she faced her husband and who was still alive. Alas! The feeling of being loss wouldn't be the same to him? Just like Darby and Joan, a happily married couple who lived a placid and harmonious life together and suddenly were forced to part forever ."There is no need to remember it for it is an experience which is truly unforgettable." Although his wife had already died, the good memories about her still and would be always living in the bottom of his heart. Oh! It has been ten years since the death of his wife. In retrospect, when they got married, Wang was 16 and Su was 19. A young couple who were very much in love, and more importantly, Wang was clever and kind, such a true empathetic person. (to be continued)

这十年间,东坡因反对王安石的新法,颇受压制,心境悲愤;到密州后,又忙于处理政务,生活困苦,他又怎能“不思量”那聪慧明理的贤内助呢。作者将“不思量”与“自难忘”并举,利用这两组看似矛盾的心态之间的张力,真实而深刻地揭示自己内心的情感。年年月月,朝朝暮暮,虽然不是经常悬念,但也时刻未曾忘却!或许正是出于对爱妻王弗的深切思念,东坡续娶了王弗的堂妹王润之,据说此女颇有其堂姐风韵。十年忌辰,触动人心的日子里,往事蓦然来到心间,久蓄的情感潜流,忽如闸门大开,奔腾澎湃难以遏止。“千里孤坟,无处话凄凉”。想到爱妻华年早逝,远隔千里,无处可以话凄凉,说沉痛。其实即便坟墓近身边,隔着生死,就能话凄凉了吗?这是抹煞了生死界线的痴语,情语,格外感人。“纵使相逢应不识,尘满面,鬓如霜。” Over the last 10 years, because of being opposed to the new law ruled by Anshi Wang, so in a great extent, he had been coping with grief of mind caused by being repressed by his opposition party members. Upon his arrival in Mizhou, he was busy coping with government affairs, and at the same time, he dealt with a hard life. Thus, in such a great hardship, how could he stop thinking of his bright and sensible wife? The poet employed "not thinking" and "unforgettable" simultaneously, taking advantage of this tension between the two seemingly contradictory state of minds, to truly and profoundly reveal his inner emotions. Although he didn't spend the whole day and the whole year thinking of his wife, he still never forgot about her. Probably of the deep thoughts for his beloved wife, Su later on married his wife's cousin Runzhi Wang, who was said to have the same charm as Wang. At the ten year anniversary of his wife's death, in those touching days, all of a sudden, all the past came to his mind and the emotional undercurrents which had been long accumulated over time gave rise to his growing tensions, as a result, those undercurrents surged as river water through the wide open water gate, and hard to stop. " Her lonely grave was a thousand miles away, which seemed more than desolate" His wife died young, being so far away, that he could not pour out his sadness and bitterness to her. But even if her grave was nearby, over life and death, could he talk about his misery and loneliness to her? The obliteration of the boundaries of life and death, crazy words, and lover's prattles are extremely moving. "Even though seeing face to face, we won't recognize each other, because the dust on my face and grey hair on both side of my head" 这三个长短句,又把现实与梦幻混同了起来,把死别后的个人忧愤,包括苍老衰败之中,这时他才四十岁,已经“鬓如霜”了。她辞别人世已经十年了,“纵使相逢”恐怕也认“我”不出了。这个不可能的假设,感情深沉悲痛,表现了对爱侣的深切怀念,也寄寓了自己的身世之感These three short sentences are mixing up the reality and his dreams. He had worried a lot and was indignant at miserable things that  happened to him since the death of wife. A full head of grey hair made him look as if he was in his declining years, in spite of the fact that he was only 40 years old. She has been dead for ten years, "Even if we ran into each other on the street, she probably could not recognize who I am". The impossible hypothesis and his intense feelings of grief had demonstrated that he still fell deeply in love with his wife. The poet also projected his own sense into his thoughts about life.  如梦如幻,似真非真,其间真情恐怕不是仅仅依从父命,感于身世吧。苏东坡曾《亡妻王氏墓士铭》记述了“妇从汝于艰难,不可忘也”的父训。作者索于心,托于梦的实是一份“不思量,自难忘”的患难深情啊。The poet was, as if wandering between dream and illusion, feeling the real things based on a fantasy. In the meanwhile, probably this kind of feelings were not only about to obey his father, he might also feel miserable about the hardship that he had been through. Su, in The Epitaph to My Late Wife Wang, stated the guidance words his father said to him, "She was a good woman, you should never forget about her kindness." All in all it was about his deeply engrained love for his beloved wife who  would always live in his heart.   下片的头五句,才入了题开始“记梦”。“夜来幽梦忽还乡”,是记叙,写自己梦中忽然回到了时念中的故乡,那个两人曾共度甜蜜岁月的地方。 “小轩窗,正梳妆”那小室,亲切而又熟悉,她情态容貌,依稀当年,正梳妆打扮。夫妻相见,没有出现久别重逢、卿卿我我的亲昵,而是“相顾无言,唯有泪千行”!“无言”,包括了千言万语,表现了“此时无声胜有声”的沉痛,别后种种从何说起?一个梦,把过去拉了回来,把现实的感受溶入梦中,使这个梦令人感到无限凄凉。“料得年年肠断处;明月夜,短松冈。”作者料想长眠地下的爱侣,年年伤逝的这个日子,为了眷恋人世、难舍亲人,该是柔肠寸断了吧?推己至人,作者设想此时亡妻一个人凄冷幽独的“明月”之夜的心境,可谓用心良苦。这番痴情苦心实可感天动地。In the second stanza, the first five sentences, the poet started to describe his dreams. "The night I dreamed to return", is a narration which described how he dreamed and suddenly returned to his hometown where he and his wife once spent their sweet time together. "Beside the little porch window, you are dressing up". The small room was warm and familiar, she looked almost the same as before, was busy with putting her makeup on. Out of his expectation, after being apart for so long, he saw no lovey-dovey affection between him and his wife, but what he saw was that, in silence, they were looking at one another and crying quietly with tears dripping down their faces. That was the moment when silence is more expressive than all the words ever spoken, that was a deep feeling of remorse. After all these years, what else could they say? So they chose to be silent. A dream pulled back the past, a sorrowful feeling about the reality was dissolved into the dream, making the dream seen more desolate. "料得年年肠断处;明月夜,短松冈" Somewhere broken-hearted and  moon shines bright every time of the year named Short Pine Ridge. The poet predicted that his wife who was in another world, every year on her anniversary of her death must be distressed and heartbroken because of missing  him and other relatives. Putting his feet in her shoes, the poet assumed that his wife must be in a sorrowful state of mind, being alone, facing the cold and quiet moon. Through all this we can see that the poet really gave much thought to this Ci and made it a touching and compelling masterpiece.
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2015-4-30 09:57     标题: [原创]宋词英译:【钗头凤】/唐琬



Out there, it is a cruel secular heart,

Same as the human touch, aloof and far,

At dusk, flowers drop after rain starts,

Tears are dried up in the morning breeze,

And only leave my face in stains, freeze.

I try to write and set my heart at ease,

Lean against the rail, talking, only me.

Hard, hard, hard!

Since we were forced to be separated,

Today and yesterday, no longer related,

Like a swing rope, I am broken hearted.

Feeling cold due to the distant trumpet,

Before I know it, the night has been deep.

I am afraid of being asked why I am sad,

Holding back my tears, happy, I fake it.

Hide, hide, hide!

Translator: Xiaoman,  April 29, 2013
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2015-4-30 10:18

At the Phoenix Mountain valley,
Rain just stopped and it turns sunny.
Water is clear and wind is light,
Sunset clouds are bright.
A lotus has already passed the time of blossom,
But still looks awesome.
Where are they from in the air,
The egrets in pair?
They seem to have the intention,
To give the flower admiration.

(April 30, 2015)


作者: 冬雪儿     时间: 2015-4-30 20:59


作者: 唐夫     时间: 2015-5-4 08:28
作者: 唐夫     时间: 2015-5-4 08:32

Originally posted by 唐夫 at 2015-5-4 08:28:





鲛绡(jiāo xiāo):神话传说鲛人所织的绡,极薄,后用以泛指薄纱。鲛人,亦作“蛟人”,神话传说中生活在海中的人,其泪珠能变成珍珠。绡,生丝,生丝织物。



作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2015-5-4 10:46
多谢先生雅临和转来陆游的《钗头凤》! 我试翻译:

红酥手,Your hands look slim and fine,  
黄滕酒。You serve me with a cup of wine.  
满城春色宫墙柳;The willow trees in the city adorn the spring scene ;     
东风恶,  But loathsome is  the east winds,  
欢情薄,  Which blow our happiness away,  
一怀愁绪, Making me feel melancholy day by day
几年离索,Our parting has been several years now.   
错,错,错!Wrong, wrong, wrong!  

春如旧        What remains the same is the spring,  
人空瘦。    But skinny is what you are looking.
泪痕红浥鲛绡透;Your handkerchief is thoroughly wet by your tears;  
桃花落,     The peach blossoms drop
闲池阁,   On the pavilion top,
山盟虽在,Our solemn pledge of love is still there,  
锦书难托, But  our letters get lost in the middle of nowhere,  
莫,莫,莫!No! No! No!
作者: 唐夫     时间: 2015-5-4 19:07

红酥手,Your hands look slim and fine,  你的瘦手不错。
黄滕酒。You serve me with a cup of wine.  你给我一杯酒
满城春色宫墙柳;The willow trees in the city adorn the spring scene ;     
东风恶,  But loathsome is  the east winds,  
欢情薄,  Which blow our happiness away,  吹走我们的欢乐
一怀愁绪, Making me feel melancholy day by day 使我一天又一天的愁
几年离索,Our parting has been several years now.   我们分离几年了
错,错,错!Wrong, wrong, wrong!  

春如旧        What remains the same is the spring,  春天还是保持那样
人空瘦。    But skinny is what you are looking. 但你看起来瘦了。
泪痕红浥鲛绡透;Your handkerchief is thoroughly wet by your tears;  你的手绢透湿于你的眼泪
桃花落,     The peach blossoms drop 桃花落
闲池阁,   On the pavilion top, 在窗上
山盟虽在,Our solemn pledge of love is still there,  我们爱的誓言还在那儿
锦书难托, But  our letters get lost in the middle of nowhere,  我们的信丢失了
莫,莫,莫!No! No! No! 不 不 不
作者: 唐夫     时间: 2015-5-4 19:09
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2015-5-4 22:09

作者: 唐夫     时间: 2015-5-4 22:15

作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2015-5-4 22:24

作者: 唐夫     时间: 2015-5-4 23:36

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