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标题: 《次韻某翁》bilingual [打印本页]

作者: 海外逸士     时间: 2009-10-23 17:37     标题: 《次韻某翁》bilingual

尋春不見徒徘徊﹐Seeking for Spring in vain, I keep wandering
那管昏鴉著意催。Despite the crows urging me in twilight
花落竟歸何處去﹐Where the falling blossoms go?
水流祇向海邊來。And the water flows only to the sea
終年但願春長在﹐I wish spring could be here all the year round
百歲難逃骨化灰。Even if living to a hundred, no bones can avoid turning to ashes
鎮日鎖眉為低事﹐What knitting the eyebrows all day for?
詩懷且共酒樽開。Please, enjoy poetry with a cup of wine

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