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标题: [原创]宋诗英译: 出师一表真名世 [打印本页]

作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2015-4-19 22:23     标题: [原创]宋诗英译: 出师一表真名世

书愤 陆游


Writing Grief And Indignation/ Lu You

When I was young I knew nothing about hard times,
Looking northwards, growing like a mountain was my prides.
That night in snow, our warships at Gua Zhou Ferry,
And in autumn winds, Da San point, our cavalry.
My self-praise on the Great Wall remains no more today,
And my hair in the mirror has already turned grey.
What made him famous is the Chu Shi Biao, (1)
Ever since, in thousands of years who can compare?
Translator: Xiaoman,  June 29, 2014
作者: 格丘山     时间: 2015-4-20 12:18
古诗是很难译的, 原因有二:
1.  古诗的美常在语言之外,  通过联想和暗示实现

2. 古诗的美常在中国语言的组合中透视出来, 同样的意思, 换一个写法, 或者改成白话文, 面目全非。

所以要让外国人真能得到原诗意思容易, 要体会到它的美是非常难的, 可能的途径是不古板于原文每个词的忠实, 根据原文的意思重新创造。
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2015-4-20 14:35
多谢格丘山老师留言指教。我的理解是,翻译时候要尽量做到准确,传神,浑然。准确为主,传神为辅,权衡左右最终才能定稿。 为帮助读者理解其中的典故,我加了一些注解,譬如 (1) Him--refers to Kong Ming(Zhuge Liang) ( allusion. The poet intended to denounce those rebels and traitors and show his ambition of recovering the central plain(中原) Chu Shi Biao:

The introduction of Lu You:
作者: xyy     时间: 2015-4-20 15:01
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2015-4-20 15:18
谢谢XYY老师鼓励! 我是计划多看一些翻译理论和翻译的书籍。喜欢翻译诗词是因为喜欢,很感兴趣,而且在查阅背景资料的过程中增长了历史和文学知识。谢谢各位老师的鼓励。问好!
作者: 冬雪儿     时间: 2015-4-21 02:56
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2015-4-21 03:02
问好雪儿老师!:) 谢谢留言。

《蝶恋花》 陆游


  Since the ancient times,
  There is only one way to Yu Temple and Lan Pavilion.
  Frost throughout the night,
Has dyed all the trees on the lakeside.
The parrot cup is deep indeed, but please don't  complain.
After being apart today, where  can we meet again?
Time is flying, and I can't stop it in any way,
In the mirror my youth will be slowly gone away.
Oh, one thing that you have to remember,
The one who is as free as a fairy must be a slacker.  

Translator: Xiaoman, September 12, 2014

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