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标题: [原创] 天仙子(中英双语诗) 上一主题 | 下一主题

#1  [原创] 天仙子(中英双语诗)


The Evening Thoughts

Clouds propel the tipsy sun westward,
Half the river mist-shrouded, half turns red.
Night arrives, I am not concerned
There is none to share my drink.
Evening wind billows long, flowing curtain.
I raise a glass for the moon in the Dynasty of Qin.

June 14, 2015 Writer:Xiaoman

2015-6-14 15:16
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The Evening Thoughts

The improved Version:

Clouds propel the tipsy sun westward,
Half the river mist-shrouded, half turns red.
Night arrives, I am not concerned
There is none to share my drink.
Evening wind billows long, flowing curtain.
I raise a glass for the moon in the Dynasty of Qin.

The Dynasty of Qin---was the first imperial dynasty of China, lasting from 221 to 206 BC. The dynasty was formed after the conquest of six other states by the state of Qin, and its founding emperor was known as Qin Shi Huang, the First Emperor of Qin.

2015-6-15 11:08
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1) I like this a lot. Well done. 我很喜欢。写得好。

2)Xiaoman... This is soo lovely.. and of course your imagery is quite stunning.. Your opening line set the mood for me.. "Clouds propel the tipsy sun westward"... very poetic and original.. very nice work Xiaoman, and a pleasure to read.. Thanks for sharing... Peace always...jul
小曼。。。。。。这个很美。。。当然,你的意象相当惊人。。。首句便烘托了气氛。。。    “夕阳微醉云相送”  很有诗意,很新颖。。。很好,小曼,很高兴能读到你的作品。谢谢分享。。。问好。。。Jul
3)I wish this was longer. 我希望这首能再长一点儿。

2015-6-18 18:26
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