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标题: A Poem for Fun (50) 上一主题 | 下一主题

#1  A Poem for Fun (50)

Once I saw a vampire,
Looking so dire,
Riding on an old tire,
Flying over the spire.
All over I did perspire,
I could not even respire.
It could throw out fire,
but soon it went into mire.

I met a lady I did admire,
Whose love I did desire,
But how could I it acquire,
As my time would soon expire?
She was in beautiful attire,
Like coming from some empire.
My wooing put her in ire,
And to home she did retire.

2015-5-24 07:39
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Wow, "I met a lady I did admire,
Whose love I did desire,"


海老师计划“Evening Love?" 乎?


2015-5-24 12:15
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