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标题: [原创] “烟如织”和“伤心碧”的译法 上一主题 | 下一主题

#1  [原创] “烟如织”和“伤心碧”的译法

先前和各位老师有交流过诗词的翻译,获益良多。 以下李白的【菩萨蛮】略作了调整:

Woods are shrouded in mists that looks like fabrics.
The cold mountains seem as blue as my heartbreaks.
The twilight has filled the tall tower,
On which, stands a worrier
Who stays still on jaded-built steps lonelily...
I watch birds flying home in a hurry.
Alas! But where is my way home?
Between the short and long pavilions, I roam.

2015-5-11 06:14
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