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标题: [原创] Xing性Xing 上一主题 | 下一主题

#1  [原创] Xing性Xing



A young gypsy woman’s womb is awake
A whisper lifts her curly hair
She faints at the plaza

People wonder

The laundry mistress says it’s the weather
The clock smith says it’s the hypoglycemia
The janitor says she’s having a seizure
The butcher says a spell's cast on her

A wolf man stands by the window of the bell tower
He is fainting
He is letting it, for the same reason

Curses start to rain
Flesh and souls, dance along, in happy tunes
Two fainting figures, with yards apart, sip the rain

A vow is broken, and a promise begins
Rocks melt, and thunders growl
The breast milk stains her shirt
He faints, with convulsion
In surroundings, kittens are dying

2011-6-17 12:57
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