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#1  [旧作] 大雁 (中文和英译)


bbcodeurl('http://a3.l3-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/95/0d82606b724c4645b44af28f0edce7b4/l.jpg', '



只大雁在我们头顶上盘旋着,它一会儿冲向我们, 一会儿又冲向天空。看到那个受




This is a story from many years ago, while I was in a labor camp as
a prisoner. The camp was located at the border of China and Russia.
The Chinese used to call it the Great Northern Wilderness. I was
assigned to grow rice in a paddy by a lake far from the village center
with several government Cadres who lost their power during the struggle
of the culture revolution.

One day, a wild goose appeared in the sky, and made several circles
around the paddy field. Finally, it descended and began to eat the rice
seedlings. He never thought, that there were several pairs of eager eyes
staring intently at him, anxiously swallowing him whole into the stomach.
One of my coworkers, Lao Wang, retired from the army. That night, he
stayed late to make a trap clamp. When it was done, we put it in the
paddy field. Every day, we all went around the paddy field several times
to assess if the wild goose had been trapped. We dreamed at night of
tasting a wild goose meat. For people who had no taste of any meat all
year round and who had little fat stored in the stomach, the meat of wild
goose was a strong attraction! However, every time, we only saw an empty
clamp. It seemed the wild goose would never come again. Gradually, we
forgot the goose.

After several months had passed, we walked around the paddy field one
afternoon and heard a sound like a child crying. We followed the sound
and found a wild goose on the clamp, his leg gripped and bleeding. Our
happiness could not be imagined. While we were going to the clamp to get
the goose off, we heard a yelling in the sky. Sounds of grief, sounds of
anxiousness, a wild goose circled over our heads. It charged towards us
one moment and then charged into the sky again. We noticed food around
the wounded goose, and we knew exactly what had happened. The male wild
goose had been trapped for several days, and the female wild goose had
been feeding him every day. Compassion rising in hearts, we all were
caught in one affection that was complicated and difficult to express by
words. After a short, but fierce debate, we all agreed to release the

It seems amusing, in this age, and in time without any sympathy between
human beings, several people being pressed on cruelly by the society
down into the bottom, treated like wandering dogs of the street, without
receiving any sympathy from the people, had given mercy to one wild goose
wounded. I believe, lying on the bed that night, with a hunger to the
abdomen, everyone would feel remorse about what they had done in the day.

However, if this story appears again, we may do the same thing. This
weakness we inherited might be just the incorrigible weakness of our
human nature.


2011-3-16 21:28
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第一段,The at camp was located at the border of China and Russia.,the 和 camp中间多敲了一个at
The Chinese used to call it the Great Northern Wilderness. ,那个it是指那段中俄边境地带,可否把句式改一下,可能会误解成camp

I was assigned to grow rice in a paddy by a lake far from the village center with several government Cadres who lost their power during the struggle of the culture revolution.
是说阁下和几个落马的干部一起被分配到了村郊的稻田里干活。这个英语的句子,稍微有那么一丁点儿扭,是不是句子太长的缘故? 文革斗争,是不是可以换个表达,不用struggle of the culture revolution


2011-3-16 21:44
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He never thought, that there were several pairs of eager eyes staring intently at him, anxiously swallowing him whole into the stomach. 这个句子建议稍做修改,主要是后半部分,囫囵吞进肚子里的那句。
那个时候,不是可以用枪打鸟吗? 飞禽用夹子捉,不好抓。用网来套也行,就是木棍儿支个线拉的大网,人看见鸟钻进去了,就拉木棍。


我希望这个故事不是真的,不是readers digest里面为了感化人而有的描述,如果是真的,我会很为自己的冷酷伤心,也会觉得文革或某段历史根本没有想象的那么可怕。

2011-3-16 21:46
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2011-3-17 16:18
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谢谢山豆凡 的评论和指出英译的错误。

也谢谢XXY的评论, 这个故事确实是真的, 我们的观念就像是一个网, 用生活去
剪裁它的价值, 反之拿它去检验生活就难免失望。

2011-3-17 17:39
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Originally posted by xyy at 2011-3-17 09:18 PM:

人心当然都有温软的一面。可是,饿得那么厉害,会放过一只逮住的鸟,那怎么说那个时候人都互相背叛,爱人间划清界限,让儿子和老婆当众批斗和羞辱那个亲近了半辈子的男人呢? 那个没有鸟都是人的时刻,人心都变成铁了么? 还是说,人在鸟的绝望里,看到了一面照自己的镜子。不是怜悯,而是反思。

2011-3-17 17:41
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2011-3-18 17:48
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2011-3-18 17:52
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Originally posted by xyy at 2011-3-18 10:48 PM:



2011-3-18 18:08
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因为我和黑夜结下了不解之缘 所以我爱太阳
2012-3-7 19:57
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2012-3-7 20:10
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因为我和黑夜结下了不解之缘 所以我爱太阳
2012-3-9 09:05
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One of my coworkers, Lao Wang, retired from the army.


One of my coworkers, Lao Wang, was an army veteran.



LaoWang, one of my coworkers and an army veteran, made a trap...

That night, he
stayed late to make a trap clamp. When it was done, we put it in the
paddy field. Every day, we all went around the paddy field several times
to assess 用see就可以了。 if the wild goose had been trapped. We dreamed at night of
tasting a wild goose meat 删掉 meat. For people who had no taste of any meat all
year round and who had little fat stored in the stomach  肚子里没有油水 翻译太直。, the meat of wild
goose was a strong attraction! 用 temptation. However, every time, we only saw an empty
clamp. It seemed the wild goose would never come again. Gradually, we
forgot the goose.

After several months had passed,  用 later 就可以了。 we walked around the paddy field one
afternoon and heard a sound like a child crying. We followed the sound
and found a wild goose on the clamp, his leg gripped and bleeding. Our
happiness could not be imagined. While we were going to the clamp to get
the goose off, we heard a yelling in the sky. Sounds of grief, sounds of
anxiousness, a wild goose circled over our heads.此句开头的两个词组跟句子主语没有关系。 It charged towards us
one moment and then charged into the sky again. We noticed food around
the wounded goose, and we knew exactly what had happened. The male wild
goose had been trapped for several days, and the female wild goose had
been feeding him every day. Compassion rising in hearts, we all were
caught in one affection that was complicated and difficult to express by
words. After a short, but fierce debate, we all agreed to release the

It seems amusing, in this age, and in time without any sympathy between
human beings, several people being pressed on cruelly by the society
down into the bottom, treated like wandering dogs of the street, without
receiving any sympathy from the people, had given mercy to one wild goose
wounded. 此句基本结构应该是it seemed amusing that .......

I believe, lying on the bed that night, with a hunger to the
abdomen, everyone would feel remorse about what they had done in the day.

如果你是现在believe, 那从句里的语气应该是推测的:everyone must have felt...

However, if this story 不是story, 而是类似的事,appears again, we may do the same thing. 此句应该用虚拟语气。(Should such a thing happen against, we would have done the same.) This
weakness we inherited might be just the incorrigible weakness of our
human nature. 为什么说是弱点?

2012-3-9 23:32
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谢谢方先生的改动, 所提的都很到位, 下面是新版本

  This is a story from many years ago, while I was in a labor
camp as a prisoner. The camp was located at the border of China
and Russia. The Chinese used to call it the Great Northern
Wilderness. I was assigned to grow rice in a paddy by a lake far
from the village center with several government Cadres who lost
their power during the struggle of the culture revolution.

  One day, a wild goose appeared in the sky, and made several
circles around the paddy field. Finally, it descended and began
to eat the rice seedlings. He never thought, that there were
several pairs of eager eyes staring intently at him, anxiously
swallowing him whole into the stomach. One of my coworkers, Lao
Wang, was an army veteran. That night, he stayed late to make
a trap clamp. When it was done, we put it in the paddy field.
Every day, we all went around the paddy field several times to
see if the wild goose had been trapped. We dreamed at night of
tasting a wild goose. For people who had no taste of any meat
all year round and who had little fat stored in the stomach,
the meat of wild goose was a strong temptation! However, every
time, we only saw an empty clamp. It seemed the wild goose
would never come again. Gradually, we forgot the goose.

  After several months had passed, we walked around the paddy
field one afternoon and heard a sound like a child crying. We
followed the sound and found a wild goose on the clamp, his
leg gripped and bleeding. Our happiness could not be imagined.
While we were going to the clamp to get the goose off, we heard
a yelling in the sky, sounds of grief, sounds of anxiousness.
A wild goose circled over our heads. It charged towards us one
moment and then charged into the sky again. We noticed food
around the wounded goose, and we knew exactly what had happened.
The male wild goose had been trapped for several days, and the
female wild goose had been feeding him every day. Compassion
rising in hearts, we all were caught in one affection that was
complicated and difficult to express by words. After a short,
but fierce debate, we all agreed to release the goose.

  it seemed amusing all this happened at a age and a time
without any sympathy between human beings, several people being
pressed on cruelly by the society down into the bottom, treated
like wandering dogs of the street, without receiving any
sympathy from the people, had given mercy to one wild goose
wounded. I believe, lying on the bed that night, with a hunger
to the abdomen, everyone would feel remorse about what they had
done in the day.

  However, if the same thing would appear again, we might do the
same thing. This weakness we inherited might be just the
incorrigible weakness of our human nature.

2012-3-10 07:43
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2012-3-10 07:47
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